Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As with everything else in these parts, KidsRelig has been disrupted by the snow. As I write on Wednesday afternoon, we have been canceled for Wednesday and don’t know about Thursday. Whenever there has been a cancellation, we have been notifying parents by email. And the Volunteer Bus Committee has coordinated with the bus company and the schools. And we have put a message about cancellation at our KidsRelig phone number (238-3696). I hope this has been sufficient notice and that no one has been even more inconvenienced by the snow.

Email Addresses

If you haven’t been getting email notices, then something is wrong. Please let us know as soon as possible at and we will correct it.

The Beatitudes and Candid Camera

When we were together with the Middlers, we read the Beatitudes out loud and then went to Hoboken, NJ. We re-enacted an old “Candid Camera” episode, which went to the opening of a new A&P in Hoboken. Customer #998 won a brand new sports car; customer #999 won a 2 week trip to Aruba. And we all waited for customer #1000. What would his Grand Prize be? It had to be really big to beat a sports car and Aruba. And what was it? A $5 coupon to the Handy Dandy Hoboken Dry Cleaners. What!

Just like “Candid Camera,” the Beatitudes turn the world upside down and become the exact opposite of what we expect. And blessedness or happiness is not what we plan. That’s why the Beatitudes are far more than sweet sentiments for a Hallmark card. They are a radical challenge to everything “normal.” Not only a wake-up call, but a shake-up call.

Grace Before Snacks

Our “Grace Prayed with Hands” was so popular from last week that we did it again on Tuesday with the First Graders who did not get to pray it last week (snow!). Not only did they lead us well, but they led by example. Because, once again, our 2nd, 3rd and 4th Graders were quietly attentive.

First Penance

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Penance) will be celebrated for our Second Grade First Communion Class


March 12th

11:00 AM

Upper Church

Preparation for the sacrament has begun in all the classes. Parents will receive more information about preparation at home and the ceremony in the next two weeks.

First Communion

As of this writing, the on-line Baptismal Information Form has been completed for 24 of our 70 First Communion Kids. It is very important that we get this information as soon as possible.

A reminder email was sent out this week with the link to the on-line form for Baptismal Information.

If you are the parent of a Second Grade First Communion Kid and have not been getting this information, contact me immediately at .


Deacon Charlie

Saturday, January 22, 2011


$2.52—the radio told the story of the 4th Grader who sent his lunch money to Congresswoman Giffords in Tucson. He had heard how so many others were doing something to help. He wanted to be just one more among the others.

The radio story reminded us of this week’s gospel. It tells 3 big things: Jesus was the One everybody else was waiting for; when he arrived, he got right to work doing the good stuff people hoped for, and his work needed others to help—nobody, not even Jesus, does this alone. When Jesus began preaching about a change of mind, heart and soul, and curing every illness that burdened the people (that’s the good stuff), he chose his helpers two by two—brother by brother. None was a hero. Like the 4th Grader and his $2.52, just one more among the others.

KidsRelig—our challenge each week is to preach a change of mind, heart and soul (the good stuff), as each of us becomes just one more among the others.

Ask the Middlers what happened to their hats!

Grace Before Snacks

Our First Graders led the Elementaries in a “Grace Prayed With Hands.” They sat on the sanctuary steps with a small plate on each lap and prayed:

God Bless Us (hands on head)

God Bless Our Food (hands around plate)

AMEN. (hands folded in prayer)

And 2nd, 3rd and 4th gave these little voices a good listen!

First Communion

An email went out this week to all the parents of our Second Grade First Communion Class. It contained important information about the date and times of First Communion, and how the classes will be divided between the 9:30 and 11:30 AM Masses on May 14.

It also contains a link to the on-line form for Baptismal Information with a deadline for submitting the information.

If you did not get that email, contact me immediately at .

First Penance

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Penance) will be celebrated for our Second Grade First Communion Class


March 12th

11:00 AM

Upper Church

Preparation for the sacrament has begun in all the classes. Parents will receive more information about preparation at home and the ceremony in the next two weeks.


Deacon Charlie

Sunday, January 16, 2011


What would a “tweet” of today’s gospel look like? For the Middlers, it looked like this: “Look 4 a sign of Jesus and the Sign of Jesus will find u.”

John the Baptist was looking for Jesus, even though “he did not know him.” He believed, however, that he would recognize him by the Spirit that came upon him. That’s why John kept looking for Jesus, and why Jesus found John (remember, “Jesus was coming toward him”). And so goes our “tweet”—“Look 4 a sign of Jesus and the Sign of Jesus will find u.”

But we got to look! And sometimes in the oddest places and in the most tragic events—like a supermarket in Tucson where violence gets tackled by sacrifice and bullets are swept away by a selfless woman; like a sports arena where a divided nation stands together in its grief and holds itself united in a faith out of many faiths, and in the simple opening of an eye that sees family and friends and so many strangers waiting and praying to look back. If we keep looking for Jesus, we will recognize him by the Spirit who comes upon us.

For the Elementaries, our “Grace Before Snacks’ was a cheer:

Thank you, God, for food so good;

Help us be the best we should!

First Communion

First Communion is Saturday, May 14, 2011. Two Masses: 9:30 and 11:30 AM. Check the Annual Calendar for the rehearsal days and times. Next week, after the MLK Remembrance, there will be more First Communion News.


Deacon Charlie

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The Baptism of the Lord—the last day of the Christmas Season. What’s the connection?

The Middlers went to the theater and got their playbills. Inside, there was the cast of characters and the acts of the play. And then, there was that funny word—“overture.” We realized that the Christmas Story is not just a cute little tale about the birth of a baby, but the overture to the whole Jesus Story. The Christmas characters give us hints to everything that is to come—angels (everything starts with God and returns to God, whose Word is the Son of God); Mary (her son is indeed her son—a man-child); shepherds (Jewish people to whom the Word first came); magi (gentiles to whom the Word would go out); Herod (the hand of death—there’s tragedy in this Jesus Story), and Joseph (the dreamer of Jesus’ birth, the dreamer of Jesus’ flight from Herod into Egypt, the dreamer of Jesus’ return from Egypt to Nazareth—the Jesus Story: Birth, Salvation from Death, Rebirth to New Life!)

And the Baptism of the Lord? The overture is over, and it’s curtain up! The main character is introduced center-stage: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”

The Elementaries were shown the big storage box where the Christmas Pageant is packed away each year. Candles, bells, halos, shepherd headgear, clothes for Mary and Joseph, the two little lambs, and even Baby Jesus—all packed away with a hint of sadness, but lots of hope. Because we don’t shut the lid to hide Christmas away, but only to keep it safe until we unpack it again in the new year.

And speaking of the new year, we continued our practice of saying “Grace Before Snacks” with a New Year’s Grace:

A Grace for the New Year

God, Our Father,

as we begin this new year,

we do not know what to expect,

but you always give us hope.

Fill us with your Spirit of hopefulness;

guide and protect us in all the days ahead.

We pray for good health in our families

and peace in our world.

We thank you for Mary, the Mother of your Son.

We are grateful that she taught him how to love children.

We thank you for all your blessings,

and especially for the food we are about to eat.



The Annual Calendar with all of the Session Days and regularly scheduled Closings is posted on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website. Go to: Homepage of the Parish Website ; click on Religious Education on the left, and on the Religious Education Page, click on Annual Calendar on the right.

First Communion

First Communion is Saturday, May 14, 2011. Two Masses: 9:30 and 11:30 AM. Check the Annual Calendar for the rehearsal days and times. Watch the KidsRelig column in the Weekly Bulletin, the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website and the KidsRelig Blog in the next two weeks for First Communion News.


KidsRelig follows the Chappaqua School District protocols for snow closings. If Chappaqua is closed or dismissed early for snow, or if Chaqppaqua cancels afternoon activities, there is no KidsRelig. We will do our best to blast an email as soon as we know what Chappaqua is doing.


Deacon Charlie

Monday, January 3, 2011


A KidsRelig Blessing for the New Year

God, our Father,

source of light in every age,

the virgin conceived and bore your Son

who is called Wonderful God,

Prince of Peace.

As we begin this New Year,

we pray that you fill us with your Spirit,

who filled the heart of Mary

with humble obedience to your will

joyful hope in the Savior’s coming

and abundant love for the One given into her care.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.