Friday, March 25, 2011

Third Sunday of Lent

We played a Word Game with the Middlers, which went like this. The college kid son of the cranky old farmer was worrying about the snow melt and spring rains. They’d flood the farm!!! The farmer couldn’t take it anymore and walked away muttering to the kid:

_ _ _ _, it won’t be s _ _ _ _ this spring
if that _ _ _ _spring_ _ _ _s up and s _ _ _ _ s
that _ _ _ _, which will never go down too _ _ _ _
with a s _ _ _ _ like you.

Once we read the gospel about Jesus and the Woman at the Well, we discovered the one word to fill in all the blanks—well.

Why the Word Game? Because the gospel itself is filled with word games like these:

I will give you living water.

But you haven’t a bucket.

Drink my water and you shall never thirst.

Give me some and I’ll skip coming to this well.

Rabbi eat.

I have food you don’t know about.

Did someone sneak food to him?

We would all rather play word games than be saved by Jesus, who wants nothing more than to refresh us with his Word and nourish us with his Food!

Lenten Confessions

Our kids had the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday and Thursday of this past week. On Tuesday of this week, we will complete confessions. For all those who did not have the opportunity, confessions are every Saturday from 4:30 to 5:00 pm in the Upper Church.

May 22nd

They have already begun to plan: Bake Sale, Silent Auction, Japanese Food Sale, Tae Kwon Do demonstration and instruction, local media coverage and so much more. All proceeds to go to Catholic Relief Services—Japan Relief. The 8th Graders are taking charge and will lead the rest of us at KidsRelig in this effort to save others. And all of this coincides with Lent (or should I say, gives Lent real meaning).

Bus Behavior

An email was blasted to all the parents asking for help reinforcing our message of good bus behavior. We really appreciate all those who emailed or stopped by the office to tell us that they had done just that. Some have even volunteered to be bus monitors. Great! Let’s do this. Keep talking with your kids about good behavior. We only have a few weeks left for KidsRelig. In order to keep offering buses next year, let’s commit to establishing a volunteer bus monitor program for the elementary buses. Thanks again.

A Grace-filled Prayer for Japan
by Rafe Coffino (2nd Grade)

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for the houses we live in and the food we eat. Thank you for our families and for everything. Please take care of the People of Japan. We hope there are no more earthquakes or tsunamis. Please take care of everyone. Amen.

Calendar Reminder and Change

There is NO KidsRelig on April 19, 20 & 21. Our last regular sessions are April 26, 27 & 28. These last days are listed on the calendar as “Funraiser Days.” Instead of fun and fund—raising, those days will be devoted to preparations for Japan Relief Sunday, when we will really raise some fun and funds.


Deacon Charlie

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Transfiguration—a window through which we see the Resurrection and the Risen Lord. With the Middlers, we wondered whether we should call it The Transparency instead. We lit three candles on the main altar—one for Moses, one for Elijah and one for Jesus. We held up a window in front of the candles, whose light only became apparent through the transparency of the cross. We only saw the light of the Resurrection and the Risen Lord because we went through the suffering and death of the cross. That’s what Jesus is telling us when he says, “Tell no one until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.” As plain as those words are, they are so hard to understand.

Then, we scanned the day’s headlines from The NY Times. “9.0 Earthquake,” “Tsunami Kills More Than 10,000,” “Third Reactor Explodes,” “Workers Evacuated from Troubled Reactor.” The last article reported 1400 workers were evacuated from the Fukushima Power Plant, while 80 remained behind. We asked, “Did th0se 80 who remained face suffering and death?” “YES.” “Was it to save themselves?” “NO.” “Was it to save a power plant?” “NO.” “Was it to save others in Japan and in the world beyond?” “YES.” Through suffering and death to resurrection—maybe we don’t get it, or maybe we do.

8th Grade Generously Volunteers
for Japan Relief

We asked the 8th Graders to brainstorm about what we could do for Japan Relief. And brainstorm they did! They have set the date for:
May 22nd
They have already begun to plan: Bake Sale, Silent Auction, Japanese Food Sale, Tae Kwon Do demonstration and instruction, local media coverage and so much more. All proceeds to go to Catholic Relief Services—Japan Relief. The 8th Graders are taking charge and will lead the rest of us at KidsRelig in this effort to save others. And all of this coincides with Lent (or should I say, gives Lent real meaning).


Once the 8th Graders finalize the plans for Japan Relief Sunday, we will establish subcommittees to help execute the plans. Parents are needed for those subcommittees. Please show our kids that we follow their good example and volunteer to help. As with all the good that is done here, nobody does it alone. Watch for more information and how to volunteer.

Pillows for Puppies—Building Up Creation

The McCarthy-LePage Family is spearheading an effort to protect rescued dogs and puppies. There is a big box in the Front Hall of the Upper Church to accept donations of pillows, blankets, towels, dog food and more. Information is posted on the box explaining this effort and the items needed. This is another Lenten project of KidsRelig. We are called to be co-creators with the Creator in building up the earth and caring for all its creatures, which demands sacrifice of us.

Grace Before Snacks

This week, we used an amazing grace written by Sephanie Garbuio’s 1st Grade:

thank you for our food
and for loving us and the life we live.
Thank you for showing us
that when we do things for others
we respect them and help each other.
We are faithful.
We love you forever. AMEN.
Told you it was an Amazin’ Grace!!!

Deacon Charlie

Friday, March 11, 2011

The First Sunday of Lent

The Temptations of Christ: to be popular, spectacular and powerful. These are temptations? What’s wrong with pleasing the crowd, doing a little razzle-dazzle for the audience or leading the charge? Nothing! It’s only when we do it all for ourselves. Jesus’ last argument to Satan, “It’s all for God.” It reminds this old “Baby Boomer” of what we used to put at the top of each paper in Catholic school—“AMDG” (Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam)—“”For the Greater Glory of God.”

Busy Week at KidsRelig

We began on Tuesday with confessions for Bell and Westorchard. The next day, we celebrated Ash Wednesday with a 4 PM Prayer Service and the Distribution of Ashes. Church was packed, not only with our Grafflin kids, but also with so many others who made the special trip with their families to come and begin Lent with prayer and sacrifice. On Thursday, there were confessions for Seven Bridges and Roaring Brook.

And squeezed into all of this activity, we had rehearsals for First Penance.

First Penance

On Saturday, March 12th, at 11 AM, our Second Graders made First Penance with their families helping them to come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We began with a Prayer Service, and then each of our kids made his/her individual confession.

More Confessions during Lent

Depending on the availability of priests, there will be further opportunities during Lent for confession. It’s difficult to say exactly when.

Deacon Charlie

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Built on rock—standing strong against the storm. Built on sand—unsettled and shiftless in the wind.

The Middlers knew right away how fairytale-like today’s gospel is. And they knew the fairytale—The Three Little Pigs. So, we retold the story of Wolf v. Pigs and revisited its moral—work hard, build strong and be safe.

We questioned, however, whether the gospel taught the same moral. Not! As Jesus casts his eye toward the cross, he teaches a very different moral. We must be strong in order to be strong and not safe. In fact, our strength (or shall we say, “Rock”) is Jesus, who commands us to follow him and risk everything to save all.

First Penance

Our 2nd Grade First Communion Class will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday, March 12th, at 11 AM in the Upper Church. Parents and kids should arrive no later than 10:45 and come directly into the church.

First Penance in First Communion News

Parents of our 2nd Graders should check the First Communion News on the Parish Website for more information about First Penance Ceremony. First Communion News can be found in the drop-down box at the Religious Education link on the Homepage of the Parish Website or in the links column on the Religious Education Page.

Ash Wednesday

This Wednesday, March 9th, is Ash Wednesday. There will be a special Prayer Service and Distribution of Ashes for our kids in KidsRelig at 4:00 PM in the Upper Church. The entire parish is invited to this Prayer Service. See the Weekly Schedule column in this edition of the bulletin for the Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule.

Looking for Special Family Graces

Send in your family grace to share with us. If you don’t have one, why not write one now. One 1st Grade has already written a grace, which we’ll share next week. It’s beautiful!


Deacon Charlie