Friday, April 15, 2011

Palm Sunday

Sometimes, our own words get in the way of the Word. So, this week, we simply read the Passion slowly and reverently. We stopped here and there to let the power of the Word fill our hearts and minds and souls. And I can tell you that when we came to the verse that proclaims, “Jesus cried out again in a loud voice and give up his spirit,” the only sound in the church was the sound of silence.


Three graces this week—one for each day of KidsRelig

Ms. McGetrick’s 3rd Grade Grace

Dear God,

We thank you for creating us in your image.

We thank you for the food and water you give us.

We thank you for the beautiful Earth we have.

Help us to be respectful and kind and to live as Jesus wants us to. Amen.

A Grace by Jay Maher & Matthew Eiden

Dear God,

Thank you for our world

and for making us,

the earth, the water and the animals.

Thank you for our love, our family and our friends.

Thank you for the food we eat

and the water we drink.

Bless us as we settle down to eat this meal.

We will remember you as we eat this meal.

And we bless your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Ms Kucharik’s 4th Grade Grace

Dear Holy Family,

we love you with all our hearts.

Thank you for our food, shelter and families

and all other things that you have given us.

Thank you for your love and care for us. Amen.

First Communion Parent Meetings

Thanks for taking the time to attend these meetings. It was so good to have the opportunity to pray together and to talk about the upcoming celebration of First Communion.


May 22nd

Enjoy the Spring Break!!! April 26, 27 and 28 will be our last regular classes together. We will be busy preparing for Japan Relief Sunday and celebrating our last days in this year’s KidsRelig.


Deacon Charlie

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fifth Sunday of Lent

The Lazarus story—a St. John-type parable about Resurrection.

With the Middlers, we started at the end with Lazarus being called by Jesus to come out of the tomb. If we just stopped there, Resurrection would be nothing more than a jack-in-the-box. So, we went to the beginning. There we found love, support, comfort, strength, faith, family and friendship. We found weeping and tears, and, although not reported, I have to believe there were also smiles and hugs—Jesus, you are here now and everything is better.

It is only when we went back to the beginning that we understood the end—Resurrection. It’s not popping back to life; it’s putting so much life into life everyday that a lifetime can’t possibly be enough time for living. As the magnet on our daughter Catie’s refrigerator proclaims:

“Dance as though no one is watching

Love as though you've never been hurt before

Sing as though no one can hear you

Live as though heaven is on earth.”


The kids have been hard at work giving us new Graces. This week, we have two:

Dear God,

Thank you for everything you have given me.

Thank you for the blessing of life so I can share it with others and be happy.

Thank you for giving me shelter, food, good fortune and a family.

Thank you for giving me a family to guide me from making bad decisions. Amen.

(Maria Nikc & Margot Reddy—Ms. DeMicco’s 4th Grade)


Dear God,

thank you for our enriched life.

Thank you, God,

for helping the people of Japan

and we promise

to help and pray for them too.

God, we love you always and forever. Amen

(Ms. Levitz’ 3rd Grade)

Indeed, our kids give us new graces!!!

First Communion Parent Meetings

Parents of our 2nd Grade First Communion Class are invited to a meeting to pray and talk about Eucharist and our upcoming First Communion on May 14th. There are 3 meeting dates to give a choice that best fits your schedule. You only attend ONE meeting.

· Saturday, April 9, 4-5 pm

· Monday, April 11, 7:30-8:30 pm

· Thursday, April 14, 7:30-8:30 pm


May 22nd

Calendar Reminder and Change

There is NO KidsRelig on April 19, 20 & 21. Our last regular sessions are April 26, 27 & 28. These last days are listed on the calendar as “Funraiser Days.” Instead of fun and fund—raising, those days will be devoted to preparations for Japan Relief Sunday, when we will really raise some fun and funds.


Deacon Charlie

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Shakespeare had nothing on St. John, who gives us a real piece of drama in this week’s gospel—The Man Born Blind. It’s a three act play all about faith. Act One: The Miracle; Act Two: The Argument; Act Three: The Encounter. In the first act, the blind man acknowledges that he has seen a miracle—Jesus has given him his sight. A miracle, but no faith yet. In the second act, the blind man acknowledges what is only reasonable—Jesus must be of God because he has done good things. An argument, but no faith yet. In the third act, Jesus comes looking for the blind man when everyone else has rejected him and thrown him out of the synagogue. Down and out and feeling nothing but human woundedness, the blind man personally encounters Jesus. Then and only then does the blind man believe. Then and only then is their faith—a faith not born of the empowerment of the Pharisees, but of the blind man’s woundedness, which he shares with Jesus, who is about to bear the woundedness of all humanity.

The Middlers, who seem to enjoy being hams, put on their own version of this play. The adults were an enthusiastic audience.

Grace by Ms. Houlihan’s 4th Grade

Dear God,
Thank you for our food, our families and, most importantly, ourselves.
Thank you for making us, the earth, the animals, the sun and the water.
Thank you for everything we have and you have given us.
And for all our sins, we are sorry.
Bless the food set at this table.
We love you forever. Amen.

First Communion Parent Meetings

An E-vitation went out last week to all the parents of our 2nd Grade First Communion Class. The E-vitation read as follows:

Dear First Communion Parents,

Let's talk about First Communion. No, let's do more than talk. Let's pray. No, you're right. Let's do a little of both.

Since nothing fits all, I'm proposing three dates to meet. You choose the ONE that's best for you. Saturday, April 9, 4-5 pm Monday, April 11, 7:30-8:30 pm Thursday, April 14, 7:30-8:30 pm

We (i.e., parents only) will spend a half hour in prayer and conversation about the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Then, we will move on to the real good stuff: dress code, tickets, seating, photography and more.
My hope is that a little time spent in prayerful reflection and practical planning by all of us will help prepare us to better prepare our kids to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.

Please reply by clicking on this link RSVP [which is in original email and not here in Blog post] and completing the form.

***Please make your choice of meeting and reply to the E-vitation as soon as possible by clicking on the reply link in the email from last week. If you lost the email. go to First Communion News on the Parish Website. The letter is there and that's where you will find the link.***

May 22nd

Calendar Reminder and Change

There is NO KidsRelig on April 19, 20 & 21. Our last regular sessions are April 26, 27 & 28. These last days are listed on the calendar as “Funraiser Days.” Instead of fun and fund—raising, those days will be devoted to preparations for Japan Relief Sunday, when we will really raise some fun and funds.
Deacon Charlie