Friday, June 24, 2011


In the war waged against weight, I have taken up the defense of the low-carb diet. No bread for the deacon. So, when I opened this week’s gospel with all of its talk about bread, I became a little anxious. How could a low-carb guy speak sincerely about bread? But, of course, carbs and the bread served with them are neither good nor bad in themselves. It’s what we do with the carbs. Store them and do nothing, they turn to fat. Store them and use them, they become energy.

Today’s gospel is a slice of St. John’s 6th chapter, which is all about the Eucharist—the Bread of Life. The Eucharist—we preach about it, sing about it, pray about it. All incredibly important. But, it’s what we do about it that makes all the difference in the world.


Registration will continue to be on-line. We are currently tweeking our on-line form. The new form will be posted shortly after the July 4th holiday. Watch for announcements here, in the BLOG and on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.


If you will be registering a First Grader for 2011-12 or you have recently moved into the parish and will be registering older kids for the first time, please send me an email as a heads-up. This is NOT registration. It’s only a way to alert us to newcomers so that we can pay them the special attention they deserve. It will also get you in our Email Address Book and put you on our Notification List for KidsRelig Blasts. Email at:


Deacon Charlie

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Graduation, Father’s Day and Trinity Sunday—amazing how these three celebrations meet today! Each is unique in its reason and purpose. And yet, all are the same in their source and existence. It’s all about family. Our God, our Dad and our Grad are who they are because of the family of persons in whom they live and love. It’s a mystery, both human and divine, into which we have all been initiated. An awesome and precious mystery given to us for safekeeping! And so, with lots of humility, a touch of anxiety and plenty of love, we meet today to celebrate Graduation, Father’s Day and Trinity Sunday.

Congrats to Our Grads

KidsRelig congratulates all of our graduates today. And the only advice we have is what our good friend Dr. Seuss once said about the art of eating popovers. Quoting his Uncle Terwilliger, he observed that to eat these things you must exercise great care and “swallow down what’s solid . . .But . . . you must spit out the air!” So, concluded Seuss,

“And as you partake of the world’s bill of fare,

That’s damned good advice to follow.

Do a lot of spitting out the hot air.

And be careful what you swallow.”


Registration will continue to be on-line. We are currently tweeking our on-line form. The new form will be posted shortly after the July 4th holiday. Watch for announcements here, in the BLOG and on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.


If you will be registering a First Grader for 2011-12 or you have recently moved into the parish and will be registering older kids for the first time, please send me an email as a heads-up. This is NOT registration. It’s only a way to alert us to newcomers so that we can pay them the special attention they deserve. It will also get you in our Email Address Book and put you on our Notification List for KidsRelig Blasts. Email at:



Deacon Charlie

Sunday, June 12, 2011


People who seem to know about these things tell me that we have two versions of the First Pentecost in this Sunday’s readings. The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles is Luke’s, and the gospel is John’s. In Acts, there’s thunder, a driving wind and fire; in John, peace. In Acts, a large crowd from all over the world; in John, a small band of locals. In Acts, confident talk; in John, fear. In both, the Spirit of God breathed into a brand new Church.

Pentecost 2011 and KidsRelig—in many ways, still a brand new church filled with all of the same stuff: energy and peace, confidence and fear, kids from here, there and everywhere and the Spirit of God. Like the disciples, our challenge is to speak of the mighty acts of God in a language that is understood by those who hear us. And like the disciples, we only have the courage to take up this challenge because we have been gifted by the Holy Spirit. A giftedness that quiets our fears (Peace!) and gives us a confidence not in ourselves, but in the Spirit.


Registration will continue to be on-line. We are currently tweeking our on-line form. The new form will be posted shortly after the July 4th holiday. Watch for announcements here, in the Bulletin and on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.


If you will be registering a First Grader for 2011-12 or you have recently moved into the parish and will be registering older kids for the first time, please send me an email as a heads-up. This is NOT registration. It’s only a way to alert us to newcomers so that we can pay them the special attention they deserve. It will also get you in our Email Address Book and put you on our Notification List for KidsRelig Blasts. Email at:


Deacon Charlie

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I once saw an oil lamp inscribed with these words:

One day

I would like to teach

just a few people

many and beautiful things

that will help them when they will

one day teach--

a few people …

And at the end, it read, “A Teacher’s Prayer.”

Every week throughout our KidsRelig year, almost forty women and men teach our kids many and beautiful things. These teachers are themselves a living prayer—passing on the Gospel to make sure that our kids have the Gospel to pass on. For their time, their energy, their creativity and their faith and love, we are so grateful.

Janine Anastos Judy Houlihan

Fortune Aurora Deirdre Kucharik

Sal Aurora Jeanette Levitz

Letty Batjiaka Coleen MacGreevey

Annie Casey Chris Madden

John Casey Linda McGetrick

Rebecca Damon Lina Meyler

Rosanne DeMicco Becky Mildenhall

Steve DeMicco Maureen Mirabile

Marianne Dorner Lillie Nikc

Fran Dwyer Katie Rauch

Shahnaz Farha Rita Santelia

Joan Ferroni Cathy Shaw

Kathie Galvin Meyi Sobon

Stephanie Garbuio Colleen Soule

Sarah Girardi Nora Tung

Margaret Goodnough MaryJo Vessecchia

Mary Grant Maura Walsh

Lori Guillaro Peggy Zeller

As Jesus speaks to the Father in today’s gospel, he speaks of these women and men, “They belonged to you, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word.”

Special mention must be made of some very special high schoolers. They too have come here to teach every week during KidsRelig. But they do far more than teach. They give our kids the best example possible of Jesus’ commandment, “What I have done, you also must do.” And they did it with such grace and good humor. Again, we are so very grateful.

Carol Farha Anita Selvaraj

Sophie Manetta Jonathan Renzulli

There were also many middlers who assisted in the classrooms of our elementary grades. They were such a big help and did such a good job that we are looking forward to their high school years when they can take over for those who have gone before them.

Hope for Japan

Catch the story about our parish youth and their fundraiser for the children of Japan in NewCastleNOW:


Deacon Charlie