Thursday, August 25, 2011


When it comes to volatility, the Stock Market has nothing on Peter. Remember last week? He was “blessed.” This week, his stock takes a nose dive. He’s “Satan.” Why? Not because he’s such a bad guy, but because he doesn’t have his head on straight. He’s stuck in the human mind-set and can’t get into the mind of God. Can you blame him? Not exactly easy, especially when Jesus gives this sneak preview: You got to lose it all to win it all.

What kind of a God-thought is that? It’s not just a God-thought; it’s a God-act. Evil must not be avoided; it must be challenged. And when challenged, a cross will appear. Don’t be afraid. Go for it. In fact, throw everything you got onto it. And if you do, you will come down from that cross alive, having defeated evil and the death it promises. Quite an act to follow! And quite a win!


KidsRelig Calendar

Check it out on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.

  • Go to
  • Click Religious Education tab on the left
  • Click KidsRelig Calendar link on the right

At the bottom of the Calendar, tab to the month you want. Start with October, since . . .



All scheduled class days and times, “no class” days, holiday and recess days are on the Calendar. And other important dates: First Penance, First Communion, Lenten Confessions and Stations of the Cross.

KidsRelig On-line Registration At


Please, please, please . . . register now and use the new credit card payment option.

*Go to Parish Website ( *Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left

*Read letter on Religious Education Page

*Go to top of page and find two links to:

  1. On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page

It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s critically important to us in forming classes, getting teachers in the classrooms, planning the year and setting up our classrooms.


Every year, a Volunteer Parent Committee arranges for bus service to (but not from) KidsRelig for Seven Bridges and the 3 Chappaqua elementary schools. This service is not provided by the parish. We are always grateful for all the hard work of the Committee in making these arrangements.

Watch your email inboxes within the next week for information about the bus service. And please register as soon as possible.


Deacon Charlie

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Peter gets a nickname—“Rock!” Why? Not because he is strong and unshakeable. Remember two weeks ago when he took a trip on the water, and I mean a trip. Not because he is steady and firm. Wait until next week when “blessed” turns to “Satan.” And certainly not because he is reliable. Who can forget the big denial!

Peter gets his nickname because by his faith he allows God’s revelation of his Son to be written in stone. The Letter to the Hebrews tells us that faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. With all his warts, Peter proves that we as Church can make what we hope for as real, and what is unseen as evident, as a rock. Jesus the Christ!


KidsRelig Calendar

It’s here! Where? On the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.

  • Go to
  • Click Religious Education tab on the left
  • Click KidsRelig Calendar link on the right

At the bottom of the Calendar, tab to the month you want. Go right to October, since . . .



All scheduled class days and times, “no class” days, holiday and recess days, the dates of First Penance and First Communion, Lenten Confessions and Stations of the Cross are on the calendar right now. As the year goes on, other events will be added, which will remain available for easy and quick access on the Parish Website.

KidsRelig On-line Registration

40% Registered

Please register now and use the new credit card payment option.

*Go to Parish Website ( *Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left

*Read letter on Religious Education Page

*Go to top of page and find two links to:

  1. On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page

It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s a big help to us in forming classes, getting teachers in the classrooms, planning the year and setting up our classrooms.


Every year, a Volunteer Parent Committee arranges for bus service to (and not from) KidsRelig for Seven Bridges and the 3 Chappaqua elementary schools. This service is not provided by the parish. We are always grateful for all the hard work of the Committee in making these arrangements.

Watch your email inboxes within the next week for information about the bus service. And please register as soon as possible.


Deacon Charlie

Thursday, August 11, 2011


KidsRelig On-line Registrationat 35%

Please Register Now


Use the New Credit Card Payment Option.

*Go to Parish Website ( *Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left

*Read letter on Religious Education Page

*Go to top of page and find two links to:

  1. On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page

It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s a big help to us in forming classes, getting teachers in the classrooms, planning the year and setting up our classrooms.


KidsRelig Calendar

It’s here! Where? On the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.

  • Go to
  • Click Religious Education tab on the left
  • Click KidsRelig Calendar link on the right

At the bottom of the Calendar, tab to the month you want. Go right to October, since . . .



All scheduled class days and times, “no class” days, holiday and recess days, the dates of First Penance and First Communion, Lenten Confessions and Stations of the Cross are on the calendar right now. As the year goes on, other events will be added, which will remain available for easy and quick access on the Parish Website.

This Week’s Gospel—A Non-Jewish Woman Asks Jesus to Cure Her Daughter (Mt 15.21-28)

Scandalizing—that’s what this week’s gospel is. And not because of the poor woman who wanted a few scraps like a dog. But because of Jesus, who wouldn’t even give her a few scraps. Why? Because all of us human beings build such high walls to divide ourselves from each other that not even God could breach them. (After all, the woman was a Canaanite, as foreign as the Sharks to the Jets in West Side Story.) But what does breach the divide? Faith! Even a scandalous God could be touched by faith and reach across the human divide with the release of a miracle.

Sounds so simple, but it is both a terrible and awesome story. We have the power to build divisions that can even keep out God. And the power to destroy them and let miracles happen. Terrible and awesome, and ours to believe or not.


Deacon Charlie

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Poor Peter! Jesus seems a bit hard on him this week. Somebody ought to stick up for him. Why scold the guy for having little faith? Wasn’t Peter the first one to recognize Jesus? Sounds like faith! Wasn’t he the first to hear Jesus’ invitation to come? Sounds like faith! Wasn’t he the first to accept the invitation? Sounds like faith! And wasn’t he the first to give it a try? Sounds like faith! So, he slipped; what’s the big deal! Give him a break! And, of course, we know Jesus does—over and over again. But in his scold of Peter, Jesus reminds us that faith is simply keeping ourselves above the storm with our eyes on Jesus. Sounds easy, but it really isn’t. Of course, the alternative is no easier. Take your eyes off Jesus and get swallowed up by the storm. Ask Peter.


KidsRelig On-line Registration


have already registered on-line and used the



For the rest of our KidsRelig families , please register as soon as possible. It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s a big help to us to complete registration early. DEADLINE TO REGISTER: AUGUST 31ST

*Go to Parish Website ( *Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left

*Read letter on Religious Education Page

*Go to top of page and find two links to:

  1. On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page


First, go to On-line Registration Form; fill out & submit a separate form for each child registered. When all registration forms are submitted, go to Fees & Payment Options Page with 3 easy clicks:

1. Click the link to Parish Website ( in Confirmation you get when you hit the “submit” button on Registration Form(s);

2. Click Religious Education—CCD on left of Parish Website homepage;

3. Click link to Fees & Payment Options Page at top of Religious Education Page.

Watch for the KidsRelig Calendar

The KidsRelig Calendar for 2011-2012 is just about ready for release. Watch your email inbox for the announcement. On its release date, it will include all scheduled class days, “no class” days, holiday and recess days, the dates of First Penance and First Communion, Lenten Confessions and Stations of the Cross. As the year goes on, other events will be added to the calendar, which will be available for easy, quick and continual access on the Parish Website.


Deacon Charlie