Friday, November 11, 2011


The gospel story is about a big boss and his 3 employees (or, for us at KidsRelig, 3 clowns). Before leaving on a trip, the boss gives the first clown $100’ the second $50, and the third $1. When the boss comes back, our Happy Clown #1 turns over his/her $100 bill and shows another $100. Happy Clown #2, turns over his/her $50 bill and shows another $50. But Clown #3, who was so afraid of the boss and did nothing with his $1 for fear of losing it, turns over his/her $1 bill and shows nothing. It’s blank.

Clown #3 has always been a sad sack and a poor soul. And now he really is, because the way Jesus tells the story the boss calls him wicked and throws him out into the dark.

The kids and I felt sorry for Clown #3. After all, he only got a $1, and he really didn’t do anything wrong. He didn’t lose the $1 or steal it. So, why get on his case and brand him as wicked?

The kids thought it was because he just didn’t try, and he didn’t try because he was so afraid. And he was so afraid because he didn’t trust the boss.

If God is the boss and we’re the clowns, then the story is all about trust in God. And here’s the best part—preached to us by one of our kids: if you don’t trust God, you’ll never trust yourself.

Rewriting Our Love Letter to God

The Church has been writing a love letter to God for thousands of years. And, like every important letter, it’s gone through a lot of drafts, trying to get it just right. In KidsRelig, we talked about the changes in the Mass, which are coming in Advent--our love letter to God going through another draft. We practiced “And with your spirit,” and distributed copies of the other prayers, which teachers will go over with the kids. All of the changes are posted on the bulletin board in Skelly Hall.

Deacon Charlie