Thursday, July 26, 2012


 At the noon Mass this Sunday, Kyle Burton (Seven Bridges 8) will make his First Holy Communion. What a blessing for him, his family and all of us at St. John and St. Mary!

And what better gospel to read on this First Holy Communion Sunday than today’s gospel of John’s story about the feeding of the crowd with loaves and fishes! It is said to be John’s account of the Last Supper. (Remember, the Passover Meal or Eucharistic Institution is not included in John’s account of Holy Thursday events; the action of that evening is in the Washing of Feet.)

We have to smile at today’s miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes. Although Jesus makes it happen, what makes it possible is the gift from a child—5 barley loaves and 2 fish. The little boy’s act of giving up everything in his lunch basket becomes the stuff of Jesus’ action to share his life with everyone. And Jesus shares that life in such abundance that it could not be contained. As much as the crowd ate, there remained so much more. Not leftovers to be thrown away, But more of the very same food to be shared with anyone as hungry as the crowd had been at the first sight of Jesus.

John’s Last Supper is as action-packed as his Washing of Feet, and the action is the same—childlike sacrifice made one with the sacrifice of Jesus, who gave his life so others might have life in such abundance that they would give their lives so others . . .

A meal not to be enjoyed, but to be celebrated; not to make us satisfied with ourselves, but hungry for the sake of others; not to give us more than enough to live, but to give us life enough to live forever.

KidsRelig Registration

Good, but we have to do better. It is so important to register now. We have to order books, assign teachers, establish classes and prepare our classrooms. Help us get ready.

PLEASE REGISTER NOW! Go to the Parish Website at and click on the Religious Education (CCD) tab on the left. This opens the Religious Education Page with a welcoming letter and important links at the top of the page. There are two links:

• 2012-2013 Registration Form

• 2012-2013 Fees & Payment Options Page with credit card payment program.

For newcomers, it’s quick and easy. For veterans, it’s as easy as ever.

(Bus registration will come later, once we see how many have registered for KidsRelig.)

KidsRelig First-Timers

Are you new to the parish or is your #1 going into First Grade? It is so important that you register as soon as possible. Registration gets you into our email address book, which is the lifeline of communication for KidsRelig. You won’t know what’s happening unless you are connected online.


Deacon Charlie