Saturday, September 22, 2012


The TXT pinged onto my cell phone while we were at dinner Wednesday night.  Clare didn’t open it until we had finished eating.  And then, the laughter began.  I was called over to look, and the laughter got louder. 

The TXT was from our Catie and read like this:  “Hudson wants to know if Jesus has to brush his teeth . . . “  (Hudson, of course, is grandson #1.)

There was a big laugh in Hudson’s question.  But something much more.  There was a hope that the answer he would receive would be something he could put his faith in.  Hudson was not afraid to ask his question; in fact, he was confident in his questioning.  Because the hope and faith he has is born of an unquestioning love in the one he questions.  That’s what makes him a child.

And that is the child Jesus is talking about in today’s gospel—the child each of us must become—with hope and faith born of an unquestioning love in the One we question.

First Grade Mass
Open House
This Sunday, at the 10 AM Mass, we welcome all of our First Graders and their families.  Their special participation in Sunday Eucharist is the best way possible to begin KidsRelig.  After all, what is KidsRelig?   It is coming to know, love and serve the Lord.  And how can we do this, unless we meet Him?  And how do we meet Him?  In Eucharist!

KidsRelig Full-Year Calendar
A link to the full-year KidsRelig Calendar has been permanently posted on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website ( 


KidsRelig 2012-2013 Calendar--click here

IMPORTANT CALENDAR CHANGE:  The date for First Communion has changed.  The new date is Saturday, May 11th.

Bus Registration

Our Volunteer Bus Committee has been working hard to get the wheels running. 

All the bus information, including registration form and calendar, is on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website ( .  Look for the link in the column on the right of the Religious Education Page.

Deacon Charlie

Friday, September 14, 2012


“Wrong way!”  Peter tells Jesus in today’s gospel.  And Jesus is right back at him.  “Wrong way?  Not me; you!”

When we get into the middle of this argument, Peter seems to have the better of it.  After all, who wants to go in the direction of losing, suffering and dying?  Sure seems like the wrong way.

Not wrong, but radical.  It’s not that Jesus wants us to follow him, but he comes to follow us.  Losing, suffering and dying is already our way.  And unlike all the pagan gods who could care less, our God could care about nothing more.  Care so much that our God follows our losing, suffering and dying right down to the flesh and blood of an only Son.

What difference does all this make?  If you were ever lost and all alone, you know that you wanted nothing more than someone to come and show you the way.

 KidsRelig Registration >>>>>>>>

Deadline:  September 19th

Don’t wait any longer.  REGISTER NOW!  Go to the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website (click this link>>>ReligEdPage ).  At the top of the Religious Education Page, there are two important links: 

  • 2012-2013 Registration Form
  • 2012-2013 Fees & Payment Options Page with credit card payment program. 

KidsRelig Full-Year Calendar

A link to the full-year KidsRelig Calendar has been permanently posted in the links column on the right of the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website (click this link>>>ReligEdPage ). 

Bus Registration

Our Volunteer Bus Committee has been working hard to get the wheels running. 

All the bus information, including registration form and calendar, is on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website (click this link>>>ReligEdPage ) .  Look for the 3 links in the column on the right of the Religious Education Page:  CCD Bus Registration (information letter); CCD Bus Permission (registration form to download, print, complete and mail with payment), and CCD Bus Schedule (a quick reference calendar of entire academic year).

First Grade Mass
Open House

Next Sunday, September 23rd, at the 10 AM Mass, we will welcome all of our First Graders and their families.  An Open House and
Reception will follow.

Deacon Charlie

Friday, September 7, 2012


Shhh!  It’s a secret.  The sheer irony of Jesus’ command in today’s gospel.  In a miracle of spit, he makes a man speak and, then, tells him to shut up.  And the man disobeys the miracle-worker.  Why?

It’s obvious why the man disobeys.  How could you keep a lid on such a miracle in your life!  So why does Jesus try to silence the very voice he’s just empowered?  It doesn’t take God to figure out it won’t work.

Who knows!  Some would say it just wasn’t time yet to go public.  Then, why perform miracles!  Others explain that telling of one little miracle before the big miracle-story was all over was to tell only half the story.  So what!  Just because the story gets better, you don’t tell all the good stuff along the way!

Jesus isn’t stupid; no, Irony Man is pretty smart.  He knew that once we are touched by God, there’s no keeping it secret.  There is no time too early, no understanding too incomplete to keep us from revealing that God has touched each and everyone of us. 

And that’s why there is a KidsRelig.

KidsRelig Registration

Let’s close the deal!

PLEASE REGISTER NOW!  Go to the Parish Website at and click on the Religious Education (CCD) tab on the left.  At the top of that page, there are two important links: 
  • 2012-2013 Registration Form
  • 2012-2013 Fees & Payment Options Page with credit card payment program. 
Whether a newcomer or a veteran, it’s quick and easy and so very important.  Unless we know who is coming, it’s tough to finish all the needed planning:  putting classes together, getting enough teacher volunteers, buying books and supplies and ordering those buses.

 Sacramental  and Enrollment Record

When you register your child for KidsRelig, you will receive a Confirmation Email for each child registered.  The email will request that you complete one more form—KidsRelig Sacramental and Enrollment Record.  The link to the form is right in the email; click on it and please fill in the form.  It takes just a few minutes.

This new form will be a big help in organizing and updating our records. 

Also, the Confirmation Email is a way of making sure that we have your most recent email in our KidsRelig address book.

FIRST DAYS for KidsRelig

October 2, 3 and 4 

KidsRelig 2012-2013 Calendar--click here

A Permanent Link to the Calendar has been posted in the right column of the Religious Education (ReligEdPage) of the Parish Website.

Watch your email inbox this week for Bus Registration information.


Deacon Charlie