Thursday, January 24, 2013


Jesus Calls Levi the Tax Collector

Confession; Reconciliation; Penance.
This past week, we started our annual celebration of the sacrament during our KidsRelig Sessions.  We will continue for the next few weeks until we celebrate First Penance for our Second Graders.  First Penance will be March 12, 13 and 14.
We began the celebration of the sacrament by retelling the story of Levi from St. Luke’s Gospel—the gospel we are reading throughout this liturgical year.  The table is set at Levi’s house, just as the Eucharistic Table is set for us each Sunday.  And Jesus gathers sinners at Levi’s table, just as he gathers us each week.  His message is simple:  Look around; you’re among friends; nobody better or worse than anybody else.  And everybody needing the same thing—change.  The successful are those who know they must always do better—never to best anyone, but always to better everyone.
I was not only impressed with, but grateful for, the seriousness with which our kids celebrated the sacrament this week.  I sensed a quiet respect and heard just that as they waited for the confessional. 
Altar Servers
Training started this past week and continues:
January 29, 30 and 31:  4:50 to 5:15 PM
February 5, 6 and 7:       4:50 to 5:15 PM
Thanks to those who volunteered for this important ministry.
Fifth Grade Mass
Our Fifth Graders participated in a special way in our 10 AM Mass this Sunday (Readers, Gift Bearers, Ushers, Servers and Greeters).  Thanks to all of them and to their parents, who brought goodies for the reception after Mass.
Deacon Charlie

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Something very special happened in KidsRelig this week.  We baptized one of very our own, Daniella Chung (4th Grade, WO).  With her mom and dad, Nancy and Vincent, and her brother Robbie, and with her godparents, Becky Mildenhall and Peter McGuire, we anointed her with the Oil of the Catechumens and with Chrism; we clothed her in white; we passed on to her the light of Christ from the Paschal Candle; we touched her ears, her eyes and her lips, and we poured water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 

Although I have repeated the words of Baptism hundreds of times in my last 12 years as a deacon, I have never been more impressed by the power of the sacrament as I was this week.  Because with us in the church were all of our 4th Graders from Westorchard (Judy Houlihan and Sarah Girardi’s classes).  They watched and listened intently to all of the words and action of the sacrament, and they gathered closely as we poured the water.  Then, once Daniella was baptized, all of the kids rushed around her in what this deacon witnessed as a genuine expression of joy.

And faith!!!  A faith the kids had just spoken to me when we read in Matthew’s gospel about Jesus’ promise to be with us always, even to the end of the age. 

When we finished the gospel, I asked them if they believed I could show them something that no one in the world had ever seen, and once I showed them, no one would ever see again.  And they believed, maybe with some doubts, but they believed.  Then, I showed them an unshelled peanut; I cracked it open to reveal for the first time the peanut hiding inside, and in front of everybody, I ate the peanut, never to be seen again.

Turned out they were right to believe.  But why did they do it?  “Because we trust you,” they told me.   

And why do we believe Jesus’ promise to be with us always?  The kids told me that it was because people heard this good news from people they trusted and were trustworthy enough to pass it on to others.  And when enough people trust each other with this good news, then Jesus is with us—always.  Why?  Wait until you hear this next answer.

“Deacon Charlie, that’s Church!” 

See what I mean.  When the kids rushed around Daniella, it was joy; it was faith; it was Church!

Altar Servers

In our first round of altar server training in the fall, we added some excellent servers.  You already see them regularly in the sanctuary.  Now, it’s time to add some more. 
Scheduling the training sessions is always a challenge.  I am proposing that we hold our sessions after the regular KidsRelig elementary sessions from 4:50 to 5:15 PM.  And let’s start on the day after the MLK Holiday, January 22.  So, here’s the Altar Server Training Sessions Schedule:

January 22, 23 and 24:  4:50 to 5:15 PM
January 29, 30 and 31:  4:50 to 5:15 PM
February 5, 6 and 7:       4:50 to 5:15 PM

This should get us ready for Lent and the Easter Season. 

Please register your child by emailing me at  I need to know who is coming. 

Deacon Charlie

Saturday, January 12, 2013


“Who are you?”  That was the question, and the answer was always the same.   “I’m Aidan,” or “I’m Sarah.”

“And who exactly is Aidan; who is Sarah?”  Grafflin, first grade, favorite class, best friend, afterschool swimming . . .  We discovered that who we are—all that we are—is signed by the name we bear.

Next, a rapid-fire reading of names had each kid jump up at the sound of their name.  And with the whole crowd on its feet, we asked, “Where did you get your name?”

“It was given to us.”

The name we bear--sign of who we are and all that we are—was given to us.  Because who we are and all that we are is gift.

Today, Jesus hears the Father call him by name, “Son.”  Who he is and all that he is—gift of the Father.  Freely given with a faith that he will be everything that pleases the Father.  And freely accepted with an obedience to do everything that pleases the Father. 

Turns out that there’s not much “freely’ in all this giving.  We can’t just take the gift and run.  If we jump up at the sound of our names and hear the gift in ourselves, then to be who we are and all that we are we must make gifts of ourselves.

Jesus is baptized today in the hearing of this gift; there will come a day when he will be baptized in all of its giving. 

Altar Servers

In our first round of altar server training in the fall, we added some excellent servers.  You already see them regularly in the sanctuary.  Now, it’s time to add some more. 

Scheduling the training sessions is always a challenge.  I am proposing that we hold our sessions after the regular KidsRelig elementary sessions from 4:50 to 5:15 PM.  And let’s start on the day after the MLK Holiday, January 22.  So, here’s the Altar Server Training Sessions Schedule:


January 22, 23 and 24:  4:50 to 5:15 PM

January 29, 30 and 31:  4:50 to 5:15 PM

February 5, 6 and 7:       4:50 to 5:15 PM


This should get us ready for Lent and the Easter Season. 


Please register your child by emailing me at  I need to know who is coming. 



Deacon Charlie


Friday, January 4, 2013


 Wise men from the East come looking for the Christ in all the normal places.  And they are disappointed, but not discouraged.  By their own lights, they keep on looking and find Him in the unexpected.  Then, they do three things:  worship, gift and protect.  They worship with a wisdom that makes them humble; they gift with a love that makes them generous, and they protect with an understanding that the God in all of us must be kept safe. 

The Magi knew exactly what they were doing when they left town without returning to Herod.  They were protecting the Child they adored and loved from the hatred and violence that threatened Him. 

We call this Epiphany.  Maybe we should rename it Responsibility.

Christmas Pageant 2012

“Now there were shepherds in that region … and a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel … “ And they were all right here at St. John & St. Mary on Christmas Eve for our 25th Annual Christmas Pageant.  Thanks to our all shepherds and angels and to Emma McCumber and Thomas Sanz for being our Mary and Joseph. 

Special thanks to Mary Kate McGetrick for her telling of the Good News of Christmas. 

Our Christmas Choir had over 40 voices and it was glorious.  Thanks to each and every one of you.

Another special thanks to James LePage and David Garcia for adding to our beautiful Christmas music with trumpet and saxophone.

Chloe Lieb and Thomas and Timothy Guida served our Christmas Eve Pageant Mass.  Thanks to all three. 


Another special thanks to Eliana Cetinski, who proclaimed the First Reading from Isaiah.  And proclaim she did!


 And let’s not forget Charlotte LePage, who led us to the stable with the Baby Jesus.  Thanks Charlotte.

KidsRelig Calendar

Remember, the KidsRelig Calendar is on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.  Go to and click on the Religious Education tab on the left.  When you get to our page, the link to the Calendar is on the right.  The Calendar will answer your questions about First Penance, First Communion, upcoming Grade Masses and more. 

First Communion News

First Communion is Saturday, May 11th.  Watch for more news and information in the next few weeks.

Deacon Charlie

Thursday, January 3, 2013


As we celebrate

the Solemnity


Mary, the Mother of God

We wish you all a

Happy New Year!

KidsRelig resumes on

Wednesday, January 2nd

with Grafflin at 3:45 PM


Thursday, January 3rd

with Seven Bridges at 2:45 PM


Roaring Brook at 3:45 PM




Deacon Charlie





Christmas Pageant News

The Shepherds and Angels are all rehearsed, and Mary and Joseph are poised to process into the church and into our hearts.  The Choir is in great voice to lead us all in song.

Costume Reminder

·         Boys are Shepherds; costume is an Arab-like headpiece (white cloth and dark headband), SUPPLIED BY PARENTS

·         Girls are Angels; costume is a garland halo, which the church will provide on Christmas Eve; each girl carries a battery operated candle, SUPPLIED BY PARENTS.  Nothing more, except that each girl will wear her special Christmas dress.

·         Mary and Joseph:  Mary and Joseph have been chosen by a drawing of names.


Christmas Eve

·         Upper church OPENS at 3 PM.  Church and Parish Office Closed until then.

·         Pageant Kids should arrive no later than 3:15 PM.

·         Pageant Girls: report to Community Room A. Wear that beautiful Christmas dress (no need for wings, haloes or anything else).  Bring your battery-operated candle (Parents Supply)
Garland and bobby pins will be in Community Room for haloes- ***Parents can help with haloes—Thanks!

·         Pageant Boys:  report to Skelly Hall. Wear your costume, Arab-like headdress, white cloth and dark headband (Parents Supply).
***Parents can help with headdress—Thanks!

·         Choir reports to choir section in front of church at 3:05 PM

·         Choir begins caroling at approximately 3:25 PM

·         Pageant begins at approximately 3:45 PM

·         Blessing of Manger follows Pageant

·         ***After Pageant and Blessing of Manger, parents will be invited to come to sanctuary to bring kids back to their families for Mass

·         Mass begins at 4:00 PM






Deacon Charlie