Thursday, November 21, 2013


The gospel story is a very simple one. The thief asks, "Please, remember me."  And Jesus answers, "Sure."  What would make us memorable to Jesus?

Children & Youth Choir

Sign up by clicking on the link and completing the form.  Joe Nigro, our Music Director, will contact you with more information.

Link for Sign Up:  Choir


Deacon Charlie

Thursday, November 14, 2013



This Sunday, at the 10 AM Mass, our Third & Fourth Graders and their families will participate in a special way at our celebration of Mass. During the week, we encouraged everyone to come, and we practiced some hymn singing.  

After Mass, there is a reception where all of the Third & Fourth Grade families will contribute sweets for the Sharing Table.  We are never disappointed at St. John and St. Mary with the abundance of our Sharing Table.  And we are always grateful.  

And remember, there will be bracelet making with the Rainbow Looms.

Yes, Virginia, Christmas is coming and so is our Christmas Pageant and Christmas Eve Family Mass!!!  Watch for more details after Thanksgiving.

Children & Youth Choir.  Sign up by clicking on the link and completing the form.  Joe Nigro, our Music Director, will contact you with more information.

Link for Sign Up:  Choir

Deacon Charlie

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Sunday's Gospel

Last week's gospel about Zacchaeus was rich for storytelling. Not so this week. In fact, you have to dig pretty deep before you find its meaning.  I had to honestly admit to the kids that I had to keep digging and digging before I came up with any kind of find, and I am not too sure I was successful.  But here goes. 

Jesus gets stuck with a couple of wise guys, who try out a "gotcha" joke on him--1 wife among 7 brothers; so, who gets to call her the Mrs. when they all get to heaven?  (We tried a couple of our own "gotcha" jokes, like this one:  What did the dog and the tree say to each other?  Nothing; they just barked!)

The "gotcha" joke is not so much a funny story to make you smile, but a trick to puzzle you and make you look stupid.  And that's what the wise guys tried to do to Jesus--trick him into foretelling the heavenly future.  But Jesus would have nothing of it.  He was no heavenly fortune-teller. Heaven is not about the future of the dead; it is the now of the living. The measure of heaven is how much we allow God in our lives--NOW!

3rd & 4th Grade Mass
Sunday, November 17th
10 AM Mass

Next Sunday, at the 10 AM Mass, our 3rd & 4th Graders will participate in Sunday Mass in a special way.  We will be preparing next week with music and prayers to make Sunday's liturgy belong to the kids.  Please mark your calendars and make every effort to attend, even if you have to move some things around. Remember that measure of heaven--God in our lives NOW!

A reception will follow in Skelly Hall.  So, we will need sweets for the Sharing Table and extra hands for setting up, serving and cleaning up.  You will hear from me by email.

At the reception, the kids will have the opportunity to MAKE BRACELETS for the Christmas Fair.  Bring your Rainbow Looms.  Bands and beads will be provided.

Thanksgiving Outreach
Sunday, November 10th

Please bring to all the Masses this weekend:

Frozen Turkeys (no larger than 15 lbs.)
Cranberry sauce, stuffing, potatoes (sweet and white), canned vegetables, canned fruit, turkey gravy, soup and rolls cookies, pies, juice, cider, coffee and tea.

The need is great.  Please be as generous as always.  Thank you.

Deacon Charlie