Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The First Sunday of Advent

The First Sunday of Advent! “Therefore,” says the Gospel, “stay awake!” In other words, keep your eyes open.

The Middlers this week discovered a scientific fact, which seems counter-intuitive. It is humanly impossible to walk a straight line while blindfolded. In fact, if allowed to walk long enough, a blindfolded person will begin to walk in circles. In order to walk a straight line, a person must not only have his/her eyes open, but must also be looking at something straight ahead.

While the Middlers lined up on either side of the middle aisle in church, three volunteers were blindfolded and told that they were pointing directly at the back doors of the church. All they had to do was walk straight. None could do it, as they bumped into one line of friends on one side and then on the other. One volunteer even began to walk in circles as she approached the back of the church.

The warning in the gospel to stay awake doesn’t mean to caffeinate ourselves with worry about the Last Days. It means to keep our eyes on Jesus and walk towards him always. Only then will we walk straight.


Much to do to prepare for Christmas! Pray that we prepare well.

Christmas Pageant News

Next week, watch for news in the Parish Bulletin, on the Parish Website and right here in the KidsRelig Blog about our Annual Christmas Pageant at the 4 PM Christmas Eve Mass and the rehearsals for the Pageant Kids and the Choir.

Calendar Reminder

The Annual KidsRelig Calendar is always available on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website ( The Annual Calendar contains the schedule of all our session days and when classes are NOT in session. In December, please note that there is NO KIDSRELIG for GRAFFLIN on Wednesday, December 8, which means that the LAST CLASS BEFORE CHRISTMAS for Grafflin is Wednesday, December 1. The LAST CLASSES BEFORE CHRISTMAS for the Tuesday (Bell and Westorchard) and Thursday (Seven Bridges and Roaring Brook) Sessions will be Tuesday, December 7 and Thursday, December 9.


Deacon Charlie

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