Saturday, February 19, 2011


Two weeks ago, it was Jesus, the baker. (Remember those chocolate chip cookies!) Last week, it was Jesus the law school professor. And this week, it’s Jesus, the mathematician.

The Middlers attended Jesus’ math class and worked on this equation: turn your cheek + give your cloak too + go an extra mile + loan whatever + love your enemy = perfect. Do the math and you will add up to being as perfect as God the Father. And what did the Middlers think about this equation? Impossible!!!

And so it is, if being perfect means an automatic make-over to God-like being—something static and etched in stone. But if you change the word “perfect” to “complete,” which some translators say is a better fit, the math equation becomes dynamic. It’s not a matter of being perfect, but becoming complete. Work at the math, and make it better today than yesterday.

Grace Before Snacks

Our 4th Graders led us in a Presidents’ Day Grace:

O God,
As we honor Presidents Washington and Lincoln,
We remember how they inspired us
To be citizens ready to sacrifice for others.

Bless our country and its people.

Make us one in charity for all
And at peace among ourselves
And with all nations.
And come bless our food,
Which you give us from the bounty of our land.

First Penance for our 2nd Grade First Communion Kids is Saturday, March 12th , 11:00 AM, Upper Church.

On the First Communion News page of the Parish Website, we have begun to publish the prayers that will be part of our celebration of the sacrament. Please download and print and practice with your child at home.

First Communion

Still need baptismal information for 19 kids. Please complete the online form as soon as possible.
The link to the on-line form for Baptismal Information is in First Communion News. Go to the Homepage of the Parish Website and click on Religious Education.

First Communion News appears in the drop-down box. It is also on the Religious Education Page in the links column to the left.

Good News about Good Kids

Our girls who are in Girl Scout Troop 1023 are sponsoring a Blood Drive:

Saturday, March 5th
8 am to 1 pm
New Castle Town Hall

Give blood and support our girls.

Winter Recess

KidsRelig is on vacation this week. No classes Tuesday 2/22, Wednesday 2/23, Thursday, 2/24. Classes resume Tuesday, March 1st.


Deacon Charlie

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