Thursday, September 29, 2011


KidsRelig--God's Construction Site

If you build it, they will come.  But the lesson of today’s gospel parable is:  Not really!!!  A tough lesson for God.  So tough, that he refused to learn it.  He refused to be thrown off the construction site and just kept on building—bigger and better.  Flesh and Blood is the cornerstone of his building and of every stone laid upon it.

KidsRelig is a lot of things—a school of religious education, a good place to hang out at the end of the regular school day, Catholic fun and games, a parish program supported by many parents and made possible by dedicated volunteers.  But most of all, it’s God’s construction site.  And this week, we’re putting our hard hats on, because we’re shovel-ready! 

Opening Days for KidsRelig

Tuesday, October 4:          Bell                      2:45
                                            Westorchard       3:45
Wednesday, Octorber 5:   Grafflin                3:45
Thursday, October 6:        Seven Bridges    2:45
                                            Roaring Brook    3:45


We would like to welcome in a special way all of the First Graders who will be joining us at KidsRelig.  So please come this Sunday to an Open House just for you (and your parents):

October 2nd
After the 10:30 Mass
Community Room A&B


Deacon Charlie

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Flip-flop—the ultimate sin in our current political climate.  And yet, for Jesus, no sin at all.  In fact, it’s just what he’s looking for in today’s gospel—a change of mind. 

As we prepare for the opening days of KidsRelig and I read through all the kids’ names over and over again, I think of the challenge of changing minds.  And I don’t just mean confronting the competing interests in the broader culture and convincing the kids that there are real choices to be made that may put them at odds with the crowd.  Sure, that’s our job, and a tough one at that.  But it’s more.  It’s creating a mindfulness in our kids that their minds are neither the only minds nor the only minds that count.  It’s the  mindfulness of God that never leaves us alone and always makes us pay attention.  Now, there’s a change of mind!

Opening Days for KidsRelig

Tuesday, October 4:          Bell                      2:45
                                            Westorchard       3:45
Wednesday, Octorber 5:   Grafflin                3:45
Thursday, October 6:        Seven Bridges    2:45
                                            Roaring Brook    3:45


We would like to welcome in a special way all of the First Graders who will be joining us at KidsRelig.  So please come next Sunday to an Open House just for you (and your parents):

October 2nd
After the 10:30 Mass
Community Room A&B

The KidsRelig Litany

·   Register for KidsRelig . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Register for the KidsRelig Bus . . . online at the Parish Web( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Pay by credit card . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   KidsRelig Calendar . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage ; Calendar Link on right of Religious Education Page
·      KidsRelig Blog . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage; Blog Link on right of Religious Education Page

Deacon Charlie

Sunday, September 18, 2011


And they said to Jesus, “No one has hired us,” He answered, “You too go into my vineyard.”  Couldn’t have ordered a better gospel for this Sunday!!!

KidsRelig is hiring.  Our most pressing need is for 3 classroom teachers:
  • 3rd Grade Tuesday at 3:45
  • 3rd Grade Wednesday at 3:45
  • 4th Grade Thursday at 3:45
I can’t stress enough that this is not a luxury, but an absolute necessity if we are going to keep our class sizes appropriately small.  So, please contact me as soon as possible if you can go into the “vineyard.”  And trust me; we’ll hire you.

More on the subject of hiring, but moving from need to luxury.  Ours would be a happier, deeper, richer and more efficient program if we had the following:
  • A list of substitute teachers
  • A list of teacher helpers for elementaries
  • Bulletin Board Decorators
All of these are part-time positions, i.e., as needed.  It is so important, however, to know that there is a deep bench we can go to.  By “teacher helpers,” I mean someone who could just be around during the 3 elementary sessions to take little ones to the bathroom or help with band aids or sit with a tummy ache until mom or dad comes to pick up early. 

Please consider our need for teachers and those part-time luxury items and contact me as soon as you can at:


And thanks!

The KidsRelig Litany

·   Register for KidsRelig . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Register for the KidsRelig Bus . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Pay by credit card . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   KidsRelig Calendar . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage ; Calendar Link on right of Religious Education Page
·   KidsRelig Opening Days . . . on the calendar:  October 4, 5, 6
·   KidsRelig Blog . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage; Blog Link on right of Religious Education Page

Deacon Charlie

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Lead with your heart.  That’s how Jesus sums up his policy on the debt crisis in today’s gospel.  Sounds like fuzzy thinking and bad economics.  Or is it simply basic, Catholic social teaching—a preference for the poor?  Nothing fuzzy; nothing bad.  And certainly not easy, because leading with the heart demands sacrifice—self-sacrifice.


Emails have gone out from the Parent Committee and from us at KidsRelig.  Information about Bus Registration and the Registration Form are available on the Parish Website:

  • You can click >>>HERE and go directly to the Bus Information and Registration Form
  • Or go to the Parish website at and click on the Religious Education tab on the left 
  • On the Religious Education Page, click on the link with the Yellow School Bus for Bus Information and Registration Form

KidsRelig On-line Registration Reaches
Please, please, please . . . register now and use the new credit card payment option.

*Go to Parish Website (
*Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left
*Read letter on Religious Education Page
*Go to top of page and find  two links to:
  1.  On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page

It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s critically important to us in forming classes, getting teachers in the classrooms, planning the year and setting up our classrooms

Deacon Charlie