Thursday, September 22, 2011


Flip-flop—the ultimate sin in our current political climate.  And yet, for Jesus, no sin at all.  In fact, it’s just what he’s looking for in today’s gospel—a change of mind. 

As we prepare for the opening days of KidsRelig and I read through all the kids’ names over and over again, I think of the challenge of changing minds.  And I don’t just mean confronting the competing interests in the broader culture and convincing the kids that there are real choices to be made that may put them at odds with the crowd.  Sure, that’s our job, and a tough one at that.  But it’s more.  It’s creating a mindfulness in our kids that their minds are neither the only minds nor the only minds that count.  It’s the  mindfulness of God that never leaves us alone and always makes us pay attention.  Now, there’s a change of mind!

Opening Days for KidsRelig

Tuesday, October 4:          Bell                      2:45
                                            Westorchard       3:45
Wednesday, Octorber 5:   Grafflin                3:45
Thursday, October 6:        Seven Bridges    2:45
                                            Roaring Brook    3:45


We would like to welcome in a special way all of the First Graders who will be joining us at KidsRelig.  So please come next Sunday to an Open House just for you (and your parents):

October 2nd
After the 10:30 Mass
Community Room A&B

The KidsRelig Litany

·   Register for KidsRelig . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Register for the KidsRelig Bus . . . online at the Parish Web( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Pay by credit card . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   KidsRelig Calendar . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage ; Calendar Link on right of Religious Education Page
·      KidsRelig Blog . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage; Blog Link on right of Religious Education Page

Deacon Charlie

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