Friday, March 23, 2012



“I am troubled now. Yet, what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ But, it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.” (Jesus in Today’s Gospel)

I asked the Middlers why Jesus was troubled. What was he afraid of? And I put up these three letters: A V B. The Middlers filled in the blanks: Aggressors—Victims—Bystanders. In three words, the whole Passion narrative finds its summary.

Then, I told them where I had gotten these three letters and the words that completed them. I have been researching the problem of bullying among young people, especially middle school students, and I came across a program in the Anchorage, Alaska, School District (reported on WAMU, an NPR affiliate at American University) The program is called “AVB,” and it explores the problem of bullying from all three sides. I hope to learn more about this and other programs on bullying and to begin addressing these issues with our kids. Since time is running out on us for this year, we may have to wait until next year to incorporate this into our program in a formal way.

The Gospel? Afraid as he was of the hour to come, Jesus defeated his aggressors with forgiveness, refused to be a victim with self-dignity and challenged the bystanders with empathy. Jesus not only died to save us, but to save us from ourselves, and to change by his life-affirming death our death-affirming life. A whole different way of looking at our enemies, ourselves and others—a whole different Way!

The Elementaries played a match game and did very well. They taught each other that the first item of each match made the second: tree & chair, lamb & sweater, flowers & perfume, caterpillar & butterfly. But more than that—to make something good one has to lose something. Or to put it another way: Love isn’t love without sacrifice.

First Communion FAQs Meetings

On Thursday, April 12, I will be available to answer any of your questions about First Communion at two meetings: 12 to 12:45 pm and 7:30 to 8:15 pm. I hope these times fit your family and work schedules.

***Do both parents have to attend?
***Are the meetings mandatory?
No, but it will make my life and yours easier if one parent attends.

Enjoy the Spring Recess!

Deacon Charlie

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