Saturday, April 28, 2012



for all your support of

the KidsRelig Annual Funraiser

Our last days at KidsRelig were fun and through your generosity we were able to donate almost $500 to each of the charities we chose this year: Desda’s Grate (a home for homeless young mothers in New Rochelle) and The Catalyst Foundation (fighting family poverty and child trafficking in Vietnam).
This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. What better way to end the year at KidsRelig than to hear Jesus say to us: “I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me.” As I watched Middlers milling about with pizza in hand or Elementaries running around after ice cream sundaes were quickly downed, I had a vision of sheep. And my prayer was one of gratitude and hope. Gratitude to all of our teachers, who have let our sheep know Jesus and Jesus know them. Hope that after another year of KidsRelig each of our kids in her/his own way is closer to Jesus. That’s what the Good Shepherd Gospel is all about—needing to be close, wanting to be close and just being close to Jesus.



Sunday, April 29

1-4 PM

Wagon Road Camp

The Chappaqua Interfaith Council is holding a Family Fun Day. People of all faiths can come together for a relaxed afternoon of shared food, games and music ,and community service. The event will be held on Sunday, April 29 (1 - 4 pm, rain or shine) at Wagon Road Camp, 431 Quaker Road in Chappaqua. It is free to the public. All ages—from young children to high schoolers, adults and sprightly seniors—are encouraged to attend.

• 1 pm — Kickoff Barbecue.

• All Afternoon — Music and Sports.

• 2 - 3:30 — Community Service to Help Wagon Road Camp.

• 3:30 - 4 pm — Music Sing-along, Drinks and Cookies.


• Rehearsals for First Communion will be May 1, 3, 8 and 10, at 3:45 to 4:45 pm. There is NO BUS TRANSPORTATION on those days. Tuesday Rehearsals (5/1, 8) are for the 9:30 Mass & Thursday Rehearsals (5/3, 10) are for the 11:30 Mass.

• Emails have gone home about dress code, seating for families at First Communion, arrival times, photography and more; if you haven’t gotten an email, let us know at and we will get it to you.

• First Communion: May 12, 9:30 & 11:30


Deacon Charlie

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