Friday, August 31, 2012


KidsRelig 2012-2013 Calendar--click here

September 23--10AM:  Mass, Open House, Reception for First Graders & Families

October 2, 3, 4:  First Days of KidsRelig

Welcome Back!--that’s the message of today’s gospel as Jesus stares down the religious leaders with all their roadblocks to being right with God.  It’s not the outside stuff, but the inside stuff that makes the difference.  And that inside stuff can be tapped into any time.  Whenever we’re ready, Jesus is there to say, “Welcome back.”

What a perfect gospel for this Labor Day Weekend, which has become a sign of new beginnings in our culture.  We shake off the summer and get ready for the fall and a new academic year--new experiences, new learning, new achievements.  It’s a time to make better what we’ve made right and to make right what we’ve made wrong. 

Today’s Gospel tells us that it’s always that time, and Jesus is ready for us.  Maybe we haven’t crossed every Catholic “t” or dotted every Catholic “i.”  Jesus is ready for us.  Maybe there is a missed Mass or two, a child who hasn’t been baptized, a marriage that hasn’t been blessed.  Jesus is ready for us. 

So don’t sweat the outside stuff; tap into the inside stuff, and get in touch with any of us at St. John and St. Mary.  Get in touch; get connected again.  And welcome back!

KidsRelig Registration

Keep it coming!!!

PLEASE REGISTER NOW!  Go to the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website where you will find a welcoming letter and important links at the top of the page. There are two links:
  • 2012-2013 Registration Form
  • 2012-2013 Fees & Payment Options Page with credit card payment program. 
Here's the link to the Religious Education Page. Click here>>>ReligEdPage
For newcomers, it’s quick and easy.  For veterans, it’s as easy as ever.

(Bus registration will come later, once we see how many have registered for KidsRelig.)

KidsRelig First-Timers
Are you new to the parish or is your #1 going into First Grade?  It is so important that you register as soon as possible.  Registration gets you into our email address book, which is the lifeline of communication for KidsRelig.  You won’t know what’s happening unless you are connected online.

 Sacramental & Enrollment Record
When you register your child for KidsRelig, you will receive a Confirmation Email for each child registered.  The email will request that you complete one more form—KidsRelig Sacramental and Enrollment Record.  The link to the form is right in the email; click on it and please fill in the form.  It takes just a few minutes.

This new form will be a big help in organizing and updating our records. 

Also, the Confirmation Email is a way of making sure that we have your most recent email in our KidsRelig address book.
Deacon Charlie

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