Thursday, May 27, 2010

Memorial Day and the Kids at KidsRelig

Memorial Day 2010! As we have done every year since 1868 when General John Logan’s General Order No. 11 directed that the graves of our fallen heroes be decorated, our Nation will remember all those who have sacrificed their lives that we may live in peace and freedom. In 1915, inspired by Col. John McCrae’s poem In Flanders Fields, Moina Michael began the practice of wearing red poppies on Memorial Day. And in 1922, the VFW became the first veterans’ organization to sell red poppies in support of disabled veterans. Today, artificial red poppies are still sold by the VFW in its Buddy Poppy Program for disabled veterans ( ).

Memorial Day began as a moment to decorate and remember. And it remains so. But it is also an ongoing challenge to help and support.

At Easter, Barbara Strassburger’s 4th Grade KidsRelig Class collected donations and bought Green Beans Coffee Cards to send to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan ( )

The troops have sent nearly 50 “Thank You” Notes. Here are just a few I have saved to share with the Parish on Memorial Day:

Mrs. S, I wanted to say thank you to you and your wonderful children for thinking of us here in Iraq and other hot spots in the world. My wife is an educator also and I think teachers are the unsung heroes that we never say thank you too. So, from Iraq I would like to say thank you to you for what you do. To your student's, please pay attention, be respectful and most of all try and have fun and enjoy the freedom that we fight to provide to not only our children but the children around the world. Please be safe this summer and enjoy your time with Mrs. S. Very Respectfully, TSgt Michael Fountain,USAF Camp Stryker, Iraq

Dear Mrs. Ssssssss and her 4th Grade CCD Class, Thank you so much for the cup of coffee and the encouragement. We had a lovely church service this morning in Baghdad and it was a beautiful sunny day. I will work hard to do my job here in Iraq and I hope each of you kids will work hard in CCD. God bless each of you and your families. CW3 Susan Story

I can't say thank you enough, but I will make an attempt in that regard. I applaud the students of Mrs. Sssss's 4th grade CCD class and wish them well. I look forward to enjoying the cup of joe you so kindly provided for me. Many thanks, SSG Russell, Malcolm

Mrs. Strassburger, Thank you so much for the Cup of Joe. Words can not express our gratitude for the effort that you and many Americans do for us each and every day. It truly means a lot. W Jackson

Our unit is the 230th Engineers from Hawaii, we are a National Guard Unit with other attachments from Guam, Samoa, Alaska, Montana, and Pennsylvania. So we are a diverse bunch. I will be sure to share some of my cups with others over here. Akua Ho'omaika'i Oe! (God Bless You) Aloha Ke Akua! (God is Love) Mahalo Nui Loa! (Thank You Very Much) SPC guTing, Tanya "T"

Ms. Strassburger, Thank you so much for the cup of Joe. It is amazing how one cup of Joe can really brighten my day and help keep my spirits up. Please let your CCD class know how much I appreciate their generosity. I am honored to serve our beautiful country we live in Irene Williams.

Mrs. Ssssssss's 4th grade CCD Class, Thank you! This is an awesome gesture and I will enjoy. You guys went out of your way collecting money and making this happen - good job! I work on Victory Base Camp in Baghdad, Iraq, in one of SH former palaces. I will stop by the Green Beans on the way to work this morning and grab my COJ...thanks, guys! LT Brad Tonder (USN)

There are many more. All expressed their appreciation to our Kids and pride in them for taking the time to remember and making the effort to help and support our men and women serving in combat Two pilots will carry United States flags and fly them in honor of Ms. Strassburger's Class.

To all the kids in Ms. Strassburger's Class and to Ms. S, the Parish is proud and grateful for all you did to remember, help and support.

Deacon Charlie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This month's Outreach is for the benefit of the New York State Veterans' Home at Montrose. The Outreach Committee is seeking the following items and asks that you bring any donations to the Masses this weekend:
  • Men and Women's New socks and summer hats/caps
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Men and Women's New or Gently Used lightweight pajamas and clothing.
Also needed are LARGE PRINT reading and activity books (including non-fiction, word search and crossword puzzles).

In addition, donations of the following items are always welcome:
  • Peanut Butter/Jelly
  • Canned Fruit, Vegetables, Soups and Stews
  • Jello/Pudding Mixes/Fruit Roll-ups
  • Tuna Fish/Dried Black Beans/Spaghetti Sauce
  • Rice, Pasta, Macaroni and Cheese, Cereal (hot and cold)
  • Diapers/Pull-ups
Items may be dropped off in the Parish Center Kitchen any time this week. Please mark them "Outreach."

The Outreach Committee and all of us at St. John and St. Mary thank you for your continued support and generosity,.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Funraiser Funds

**This week's Good News (5/9-6th Sunday of Easter) in Blog Archive >>>>

Last week's Funraiser brought out sun, fun and a ton of funds from our kids and their families. We raised over $900 in the last three days of KidsRelig. We will split the money in three and send an equal donation to each of the following organizations:

  • Blythedale Children's Hospital (95 Bradhurst Avenue, Valhalla, NY 10595): Established in 1891, Blythedale Children’s Hospital is dedicated exclusively to the diagnosis, care and treatment of children with complex medical and rehabilitative needs.
  • Friends of Karen (Main Office 118 Titicus Road, POB 190, Purdys, NY 10578): Since 1978,

    Friends of Karen has provided emotional, financial, and advocacy support for over 4,000 children with life-threatening illnesses and their families, in order to help keep them stable, functioning, and able to cope.

  • Nothing But Nets (United Nations Foundation/Nothing But Nets, POB 96539, Washington, DC 20090):

    Nothing But Nets is a global, grassroots campaign to raise awareness and funding to combat malaria, one of the largest killers of children in Africa. It all starts by providing malaria nets, one net at a time.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9, 2010 Sixth Sunday of Easter

“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come and make our dwelling with him.”

As I watched the kids this week at our Second Annual KidsRelig Funraiser, these words of Jesus whispered in my ear. I watched as pizza was washed down with soda and ice cream was piled high with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. I heard laughter as kids got their faces painted and beat that slow, old deacon in races on the lower parking lot. I eavesdropped on kids saying “goodbye and thanks” to teachers, and parents telling them how much the kids enjoyed the year. I smiled as the Middlers helped the Elementaries to make sundaes (and helped themselves as well), face-painted with real artistry and begged for money with real gusto for our three charities (Friends of Karen, Blythedale Children’s Hospital and Nothing But Nets). I was blown away by the generosity of families, again. (We collected more than $900 in the three days of our Funraiser, which exceeds last year by almost $400.) And, finally, I was touched by the enthusiasm of the kids to do something special for their moms for Mother’s Day. (Today, our three giant Mother's Day Cards, signed by all the kids during the FunRaiser Day, were in the front hall of the Upper Church for all the Moms to see.)

With all of this, I was made to believe once again that if we love Jesus the Father will love us and God will come and hang out with us. How else can I explain our Funraiser except to say that it is a celebration of how God hangs out with us in the love of our parents, our kids and our teachers.

Happy Mother’s Day




Deacon Charlie