Saturday, August 21, 2010

Good News for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s gospel, Jesus reminds us of two things—one with a frown and the other with a broad smile. He scolds us like a first grade teacher would scold a student for muscling his/her way to the front of the line, as if first place belonged to him/her. It’s not that we take our place in line, but that the line has a place for all of us. And Jesus smiles and says that the line is so long that there is enough room for people from east and west, north and south. And it's not the place we choose for ourselves, it's the place we are given.

As KidsRelig starts to fill up its registration for the coming year with new First Graders, First Timers and all our Old Timers, we are reminded by Jesus that in the Kingdom of God there are no "insiders." What makes the kingdom God's Kingdom is the invitation and welcome to all us "outsiders." And that's our first job at KidsRelig--to put out the "Welcome Mat."

OPENING DAYS for KidsRelig

KidsRelig will begin on Tuesday, September 28, Wednesday, September 29 and Thursday, September 30. The weekly schedule remains the same

Tues. 2:45-3:45 (Bell) 3:45-4:45 (Westorchard)

Wed. 3:45-4:45 (Grafflin)

Thurs. 2:45-3:45 (Seven Bridges) 3:45-4:45 (Roaring Brook)


On the HomePage of the New Parish Website (, click on Religious Education in the links column on the left. This leads to a “Welcome! Letter” from KidsRelig and an explanation of the registration process for 2010-2011. The letter explains that First Graders and First-Timers in upper grades must begin the process by emailing the following information to

· Child’s Name

· Grade & School

· Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s)

· Address &Phone


On Thursday, August 19, the first of the Registration Emails were sent to each KidsRelig Family with a child in Grades 2 thru 8, who was enrolled in KidsRelig last year. Registration Emails also began for Families with First Graders or First Timers, who have notified us by email that there is a new KidsRelig kid on the way. (That’s why those emails for First Graders or First Timers are so important. If we don’t know you’re coming and we don’t have you in our KidsRelig Address Book, you won’t receive a Registration Email.)

And what is a Registration Email? These emails include a link to the New Online Registration Form , fee information and an explanation of this year’s simplified registration process.

A separate email with bus information will be sent to KidsRelig Families in Seven Bridges, Westorchard, Grafflin and Roaring Brook within the next two weeks.


In the links column for the Religious Education page, you will find links to Confirmation Information and Registration, CYO Registration and the KidsRelig Blog. This will soon be the home of other important links.

As I post this Blog, I have sent out approximately 150 Registration Emails, and many have already replied. Our enrollment spreadsheet is filling up with the names of our kids and all the needed data. Thanks so much for your cooperation.


Deacon Charlie

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