Sunday, August 29, 2010

Good News for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

In St. Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is either eating a meal, planning a meal, serving a meal, dashing to or from a meal or telling some story about a meal. And in all this meal stuff, Jesus teaches us something about ourselves as Christians and as a Christian Community.

That’s just what happens in today’s gospel: “On a Sabbath Jesus went to dine
at the home of one of the leading Pharisees . . . and told a parable . . . [about] a wedding banquet.” (See what I mean!) And what did he teach? An important and timely (or is that timeless?) lesson. “Christian” is not a label, but an attitude. It is an attitude not only of openness, but of aggressive invitation to all who are unlabeled—the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind—those with an inability to pay back our kindness. And when the Christian Community convenes, don’t bother looking around for a place of rank; there aren’t any. All of the unlabeled, who have been invited in, stand around the Banquet Table in total equality.

OPENING DAYS for KidsRelig

KidsRelig will begin on Tuesday, September 28, Wednesday, September 29 and Thursday, September 30. The weekly schedule remains the same:

Tues. 2:45-3:45 (Bell)

3:45-4:45 (Westorchard)

Wed. 3:45-4:45 (Grafflin)

Thurs. 2:45-3:45 (Seven Bridges)

3:45-4:45 (Roaring Brook)


Registration Emails have gone out to everyone who was with us last year and all those who have sent First Grader or First Timer emails to . Many have logged on to the Online Registration Form and submitted the very important data requested. (At this writing, over 160.) Of those, many have completed registration by mailing payment and the permission slip. I estimate that we should have an enrollment this year of approximately 490. That means, I haven’t heard from a lot of people.

If you have not received a Registration Email, contact me immediately at

One or two email addresses in our Address Book have been reported as wrong or outdated. This may be the reason you did not receive a Registration Email. If that’s you, it’s very important that you email us with your new email address.


Before you do anything, email the following information to

· Child’s Name

· Grade & School

· Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s)

· Address &Phone


A separate Email Blast will go out this week with bus information. (I was going to send separate emails, but time is of the essence.) It will be sent to all KidsRelig Families, but it only applies to those in Seven Bridges, Westorchard, Grafflin and Roaring Brook. Attached to the email will be a PDF form for bus registration. There will be fee information and an explanation of how to complete the bus registration process.

Remember the Religious Education page on the Parish Website: .

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