Wednesday, May 25, 2011


And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept,
it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, because he remains with you, and will be in you.

The words of Jesus in today’s gospel—spoken to his disciples. These very same words could have been spoken last week right here in our parish of St. John and St. Mary. Spoken to all of the kids from the High School and Middle School Youth Groups, the Confirmation Class and our KidsRelig 8th Grade—the kids who made Hope for Japan so successful.

And it was successful. The kids raised $2400 to support the work of Catholic Relief Services in aid of the children of Japan. And all of this in an afternoon of family fun—face painting, Japanese name painting, ice cream, hot dogs, pizza and The Jumpy Castle.

But the money raised and the fun had by all is only one measure of success. Today’s gospel would measure another kind of success—to know Jesus because his Spirit is within and to see him in the people we become. There are two parts to this measurement:

· Part One: a community in which the Spirit can live;

· Part Two: the Spirit lived inside out. so that the face of Jesus can be seen in the faces of the community.

And, again, Hope for Japan was a success. Middlers and high schoolers worked together, parents with elementaries and younger played together and even a few grandparents noshed together—the first step to community—hang out together and you’ll learn to hang on together. And where was the face of Jesus? On all those faces doing good together!

Thanks to all the kids who worked so hard and to all the parents who helped so much. Thanks to everyone who came and had a good time and who were so very generous in their contributions and support.

Memorial Day

Throughout the year, the kids of KidsRelig have prayed for the men and women of our armed services, sent cards and letters, cookies and care packages and coffee cards. And our kids have received many “thank you” notes. As we stop to remember on Memorial Day all of the uniformed men and women who have served and sacrificed, we pray that we may never stop remembering.


Deacon Charlie

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fifth Sunday of Easter

“‘Amen, amen, I say to you,

whoever believes in me will do the works that I do,

and will do greater ones than these,

because I am going to the Father.’”

The words of Jesus in today’s gospel couldn’t be a better description of what’s been happening around here at St. John and St. Mary in these past few weeks.

First Communion

Last week, our Second Graders received First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 14, and celebrated with the entire parish at the 10:30 Mass on the following day.

Much work went into the preparation of our kids for First Holy Communion—their own work, the work of their parents and families and the very special work of their teachers. Our celebration was filled with prayer and music, flowers and banners, the finest suits and gowns, and Eucharist—the Thanksgiving Meal for our belief in Him whose work we do.

Hope for Japan

Hope for Japan—a fundraiser for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami—will happen this Sunday, May 22nd, from 1 to 3 PM, at the Upper Church. But it doesn’t just happen. It’s the result of a lot of hard work by our High School and 7th/8th Grade Youth Groups, Confirmation Class and 8th Grade of KidsRelig.

Come, see our young people do the works of Jesus

and even “greater than these.”

And Have Some Family Fun!!!

Sushi, Pizza, Bagels, Donuts, Drinks,

Bake Sale, 50/50 Raffle, Handmade Prayer cards,

Face Painting, Oragami


The Jumpy Castle

Everything’s a Dollar!!!

All proceeds will go to Catholic Relief Services


Deacon Charlie

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Jesus may not have gotten a very good grade on his parable of the shepherd and the sheep in today’s gospel. Because he does what every English teacher rails against—mixes metaphors. At one and the same time, he is the shepherd, the gatekeeper and the gate.

Whatever metaphor you choose, Jesus is telling about a fence and a gate. The Good Shepherd doesn’t hop the fence, but goes through the gate, opened by the gatekeeper and made wide in its welcome to the sheep. And the distinction he draws is this—fence-hoppers can get in and out of the sheepfold, but they miss the welcome of the gatekeeper and the wideness of the gate. And most of all, fence-hoppers remain strangers and miss the chance to be shepherds—good friends to their sheep. Fence-hoppers get over, but they don’t look in the eyes of the gatekeeper and hear his greeting; they don’t help to push the heavy gate open, and they don’t get to watch the sheep ready to go through whatever the shepherd goes through as long as they are following him.

Shepherd, gatekeeper or gate—whatever the metaphor, the message is the same. Jesus says, “Come, meet me.”

First Holy Communion

On Saturday, that’s exactly what happened in this very church. Our Second Graders heard Jesus call to each of them, “Come, meet me.” And, indeed, that’s what they did in their First Holy Communion.

Next week, we will publish the names of all our First Communion Kids so that the entire parish can rejoice and pray for them—each by name.

Hope for Japan

Next Sunday, May 22nd, from 1 to 3 PM, at the Upper Church, our High School and 7th & 8th Grade Youth Groups, the Confirmation Class and the 8th Grades of KidsdRelig will hold a fundraiser for relief efforts in Japan. All proceeds will go to Catholic Relief Services.

Fun for families will help raise funds for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. Come and enjoy:

Sushi, Pizza, Bagels, Donuts, Drinks

Bake Sale, 50/50 Raffle, Handmade Prayer Cards

Face Painting, Oragami


The Jumpy Castle



Deacon Charlie

Friday, May 6, 2011


“And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him “
The Emmaus gospel—an iconic story of Eucharist. In the disciples’ journey, the encounter with Jesus in word and action is real. But as real as it may be, it is only fully revealed when the bread, which is blessed and broken by Jesus, is shared among those to whom it is given. Although we cannot explain this truth, we cannot escape it. Where there is Eucharist, there is the Risen Lord. Is it any surprise, then, that our hearts should burn within us whenever we are invited to the Table of the Lord!


And these days at KidsRelig, it’s all about Eucharist!!! Next Saturday, May 14th, we will celebrate with 71 of our Second Graders and their families:
9:30 am
11:30 am
We ask the entire parish to remember our Second Graders and their families in their prayers.


Next Sunday, May 15th, at the 10:30 AM Mass, there will be the opportunity for the entire parish to gather with the Second Grade Communion Class and their families and celebrate in thanksgiving for their First Holy Communion. A parish reception will follow in Skelly Hall.

TUESDAY, 5/10, 3:45-4:45 pm
THURSDAY, 5/12, 3:45-4:45 pm
No Bus Transportation On Rehearsal Days

***First Communion Parents—Please Watch for Last Minute Emails***

May 22nd
1-3 pm

Watch for signs and posters at church next week and for more news in this column and on the parish website about this joint effort by our High School & 7th and 8th Grade Youth Groups, the Confirmation Class, the 8th Grades in KidsRelig and all our kids.
Deacon Charlie

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Second Sunday of Easter

The End of Another Beginning

This past week was our last at KidsRelig. With pizza for the Middlers, we signed up to volunteer for Sunday, May 22nd, in our effort to raise funds to aid in the relief of Japan. The kids have called it: HOPE FOR JAPAN. Then, it was outside, whenever the weather permitted, for as much fun as possible. For the Elementaries, it was making special prayer cards for HOPE FOR JAPAN, which will be offered for purchase on May 22nd as one of many fundraisers. With 4th Grade helping 2nd and 3rd Grade helping 1st, there was a lot of hard work. But hard work was followed by ice cream, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Sundaes were made with as much expertise as the prayer cards.

Oh sure, there was plenty of noise, but there was also plenty of laughter and many, many thank yous.

Through it all, I could hear the words of Jesus in this week’s gospel, “Peace be with you.” Not a peace that says don’t worry, go back to sleep. (You could never have slept through KidsRelig this week.) But, instead, be confident that you have come to a good and safe place, filled with a love that lets you find yourself—and most importantly, find yourself in the company of the Lord.

That’s what Easter did for the disciples and made them Easter People. At KidsRelig, we hope we have made Easter Kids.

One Last Grace

A perfect grace for our last days:

Dear God,

Thank you for our families, out pets, our friends, and the world, plus our food.
We are thankful for them all because they are gifts from You Who makes us happy.
Please take care of the people of Japan.

We are sorry for those who died from the earthquake and tsunami because they are no longer with us, except in the hearts of their loved ones. Amen.

~ Written by Raymond North

(Ms. DeMicco’s 4th Grade)


GRAFFLIN: 9:30 am



TUESDAY, 5/3 & 5/10, 3:45-4:45 pm

THURSDAY, 5/5 & 5/12, 3:45-4:45 pm


May 22nd
1-3 pm

Deacon Charlie