Wednesday, May 25, 2011


And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept,
it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, because he remains with you, and will be in you.

The words of Jesus in today’s gospel—spoken to his disciples. These very same words could have been spoken last week right here in our parish of St. John and St. Mary. Spoken to all of the kids from the High School and Middle School Youth Groups, the Confirmation Class and our KidsRelig 8th Grade—the kids who made Hope for Japan so successful.

And it was successful. The kids raised $2400 to support the work of Catholic Relief Services in aid of the children of Japan. And all of this in an afternoon of family fun—face painting, Japanese name painting, ice cream, hot dogs, pizza and The Jumpy Castle.

But the money raised and the fun had by all is only one measure of success. Today’s gospel would measure another kind of success—to know Jesus because his Spirit is within and to see him in the people we become. There are two parts to this measurement:

· Part One: a community in which the Spirit can live;

· Part Two: the Spirit lived inside out. so that the face of Jesus can be seen in the faces of the community.

And, again, Hope for Japan was a success. Middlers and high schoolers worked together, parents with elementaries and younger played together and even a few grandparents noshed together—the first step to community—hang out together and you’ll learn to hang on together. And where was the face of Jesus? On all those faces doing good together!

Thanks to all the kids who worked so hard and to all the parents who helped so much. Thanks to everyone who came and had a good time and who were so very generous in their contributions and support.

Memorial Day

Throughout the year, the kids of KidsRelig have prayed for the men and women of our armed services, sent cards and letters, cookies and care packages and coffee cards. And our kids have received many “thank you” notes. As we stop to remember on Memorial Day all of the uniformed men and women who have served and sacrificed, we pray that we may never stop remembering.


Deacon Charlie

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