Friday, May 13, 2011

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Jesus may not have gotten a very good grade on his parable of the shepherd and the sheep in today’s gospel. Because he does what every English teacher rails against—mixes metaphors. At one and the same time, he is the shepherd, the gatekeeper and the gate.

Whatever metaphor you choose, Jesus is telling about a fence and a gate. The Good Shepherd doesn’t hop the fence, but goes through the gate, opened by the gatekeeper and made wide in its welcome to the sheep. And the distinction he draws is this—fence-hoppers can get in and out of the sheepfold, but they miss the welcome of the gatekeeper and the wideness of the gate. And most of all, fence-hoppers remain strangers and miss the chance to be shepherds—good friends to their sheep. Fence-hoppers get over, but they don’t look in the eyes of the gatekeeper and hear his greeting; they don’t help to push the heavy gate open, and they don’t get to watch the sheep ready to go through whatever the shepherd goes through as long as they are following him.

Shepherd, gatekeeper or gate—whatever the metaphor, the message is the same. Jesus says, “Come, meet me.”

First Holy Communion

On Saturday, that’s exactly what happened in this very church. Our Second Graders heard Jesus call to each of them, “Come, meet me.” And, indeed, that’s what they did in their First Holy Communion.

Next week, we will publish the names of all our First Communion Kids so that the entire parish can rejoice and pray for them—each by name.

Hope for Japan

Next Sunday, May 22nd, from 1 to 3 PM, at the Upper Church, our High School and 7th & 8th Grade Youth Groups, the Confirmation Class and the 8th Grades of KidsdRelig will hold a fundraiser for relief efforts in Japan. All proceeds will go to Catholic Relief Services.

Fun for families will help raise funds for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. Come and enjoy:

Sushi, Pizza, Bagels, Donuts, Drinks

Bake Sale, 50/50 Raffle, Handmade Prayer Cards

Face Painting, Oragami


The Jumpy Castle



Deacon Charlie

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