Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Align Left2011-2012 KidsRelig
On-line Registration &
Credit Card Payment Option

Registered already>>>>>>

For the rest of our KidsRelig famililes , please register as soon as possible. It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s a big help to us to complete registration early.


*Go to Parish Website (

*Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left

*Read letter on Religious Education Page

*Go to top of page and find two links to:

  1. On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page


First, go to On-line Registration Form; fill out & submit a separate form for each child registered. When all registration forms are submitted, go to Fees & Payment Options Page with 3 easy clicks:

1. Click the link to Parish Website ( in Confirmation you get when you hit the “submit” button on Registration Form(s);

2. Click Religious Education—CCD on left of Parish Website homepage;

3. Click link to Fees & Payment Options Page at top of Religious Education Page.

The Loaves and the Fish
I read this week’s gospel about the feeding of the five thousand and how the disciples advised Jesus to dismiss the crowd so that they could buy food for themselves. And Jesus’ words in reply jumped off the page at me: “ There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves.” The real miracle is not that Jesus fed five thousand. Why should that surprise us?We’re talking Jesus here. The miracle is that he has invited us, his disciples, to join him in making miracles. And that’s an invitation we hear all the time at


Deacon Charlie

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