Thursday, October 25, 2012


In the last few weeks of our Sunday gospel reading, Jesus has been packing his bag for Jerusalem.  And as he’s packing, he seems to tell his disciples who they must be:  childlike in their obedience, attentive to the poor, humble, faith-filled, serving the community and ready to give of oneself entirely.  But he’s actually describing himself and letting his disciples know who it is that goes to Jerusalem to suffer and die.  Because if they don’t understand who he is, they’ll never understand why Jerusalem.
The Middlers saw a poster board filled with the sayings of Jesus from the last few weeks.  As we peeled them off, we revealed this painting of Jesus, which is an optical illusion.  It’s actually a montage of faces—some famous and many not—that together form the face of Jesus.  The illusion of the painting is the illusion of our collection of sayings.  Yes, Jesus tells us how we must be, and by the same words tells us who he is, and in the same words tells us who we are. 

Songs for the Elementaries

In our gatherings after the elementary sessions, we learned some very simple and singable songs.  These will be introduced at our grade level Masses.  Chuck Muckle, our music minister, was very generous with his time all this week in leading the kids.  And the kids were gre 

Third & Fourth Grade Mass

On Sunday, November 4th, Third and Fourth Grades will celebrate Sunday Mass together at 10am.  A reception will follow.  The Third and Fourth Grade teachers will be in touch with parents about bringing sweets to share at the reception.


There is no KidsRelig next Wednesday, October 31.  Enjoy trick or treating!!!


The next day, November 1st, is All Saints Day, a holy day of obligation.  We will have a 4 PM Mass in the Upper Church.  So, I told the Wednesday kids, who have off for Halloween, that they had to ask their parents to do their very best to get them here for that 4 PM Mass on November 1st.



Deacon Charlie

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