Thursday, October 4, 2012


Jesus must have known, because he ordered up a perfect gospel for this week and for this deacon. 

 The gospel weaves into one sayings of Jesus about marriage and children:

“ . . . and the two shall become one flesh.”

“Let the children come to me . . .

Although in reverse order, it is an exact description of my week, which began with welcoming our kids to a new year at KidsRelig, and will end by celebrating our son Patrick’s marriage to Lauren Slubowski in Evanaston, Illinois.  The coming together of these two events puts it all together for me.  When life becomes as real and as now as the laughter of children and the vows of two lovers, it’s real enough to touch and now enough to last forever. 

Today’s gospel is both an invitation and a challenge to the real and the now.  If we are totally in the moment to the other who shares every moment of our lives, then to be real that moment must be forever.  It’s what we marrieds expect and what our kids need. 

Altar Server Sign-in and Sign-Up

Friday, October 12th, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm, our Third and Fourth Graders, who would like to volunteer to be altar servers, and our veteran altar servers (and anyone else in grades 5 and up) are invited to a Pizza Party in Skelly Hall.  We’ll talk about altar server training and take a few measurements for altar server robes, and, of course, eat a little pizza. 


If you are thinking of coming, please send me an email and let me know.  If you want to be an altar server, but can’t make the Pizza Party, send me an email too. 


Deacon Charlie


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