Thursday, December 6, 2012


Played a game of Jeopardy with the Middlers.  Categories were: Disasters, Wars and Tribulations.  Answers: Earthquakes and casualties (1970-80), Hurricanes (2012), Wars between England and France (12th Century), Wars of Ancient Greece and Rome, Battles of the Civil War, Massacres Worldwide (1900-50).  So what’s Jesus talking about when he warns us in the gospel of terrible things to come.  Terrible things have never stopped coming.

Wait for the future?  Hardly!  The future is today.  Our job is not to look for Jesus once the terrible things start; it is to invite Him to come right now and redeem us from the terrible things that have never stopped.

Christmas Pageant News
Our Annual Christmas Pageant will be celebrated at 3:30 PM--immediately before the 4 PM Christmas Eve Mass--on December 24th .
·         FIRST AND SECOND GRADERS are our Pageant Kids.          No sign up; just show up for rehearsals.
·         Boys are Shepherds; costume is an Arab-like headpiece (white cloth and dark headband), SUPPLIED BY PARENTS
·         Girls are Angels; costume is a garland halo, which the church will provide on Christmas Eve; each girl carries a battery operated candle, SUPPLIED BY PARENTS.  Nothing more, except that each girl will wear her special Christmas dress.
·         Mary and Joseph:  we will draw the names of two SECOND GRADERS. Calls will be made to see if the kids are willing and able (sometimes, they can’t or just don’t want to).   Will keep calling until we get Mary and Joseph.  Costumes:  the church has the costumes for Mary and Joseph.
·         Costumes do NOT come to rehearsals; come with your costume on CHRISTMAS EVE only.
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
10-11:30 AM

Christmas Children’s Choir

For the Christmas Pageant Mass, we form a children’s choir of kids in Grades 3 to 8.
Children’s Christmas Choir
Rehearsal Schedule
Tuesday, 12/18:      4-5 PM
Thursday, 12/20:  4-5 PM
Saturday, 12/22:     10-11:30 AM

Calendar Reminder
No KidsRelig for Grafflin on Wednesday, December 5th, due to early dismissal.
Deacon Charlie

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