Thursday, December 6, 2012


A dramatic reading of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol by the Middlers.  And then the question:  why “Bah Humbug!” for Scrooge, and what turned him around?
Christmas and all its warm greetings and all its good works were a big game to Scrooge—a pretense and simply not real.  And so, Christmas was easily dismissed.  It wasn’t until Scrooge woke up from the haunts of his three ghostly visitors, convinced that the warmth of the season and its good works were as real as his bedposts, that he could shout with joy, “I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future!”
Our dramatic reading concluded, and I placed the Blessed Sacrament on the altar.  I asked whether we were convinced that the Sacrament was really Jesus.  If not, then all this preparing for Christmas and waiting for the Child is a big game—a pretense and simply not real.  Easily dismissed!  But if we are convinced, then how awesome to be in the presence of Jesus and to have that opportunity whenever we choose to take it.  And how awesome to proclaim to the world that for real—for really real—Jesus has come into our lives.
Yes, indeed, “God bless us everyone!”

Christmas Pageant News
Our Annual Christmas Pageant will be celebrated at 3:30 PM--immediately before the 4 PM Christmas Eve Mass--on December 24th .
·         FIRST AND SECOND GRADERS are our Pageant Kids.          No sign up; just show up for rehearsals.
·         Boys are Shepherds; costume is an Arab-like headpiece (white cloth and dark headband), SUPPLIED BY PARENTS
·         Girls are Angels; costume is a garland halo, which the church will provide on Christmas Eve; each girl carries a battery operated candle, SUPPLIED BY PARENTS.  Nothing more, except that each girl will wear her special Christmas dress.
·         Mary and Joseph:  we will draw the names of two SECOND GRADERS. Calls will be made to see if the kids are willing and able (sometimes, they can’t or just don’t want to).   Will keep calling until we get Mary and Joseph.  Costumes:  the church has the costumes for Mary and Joseph.
·         Costumes do NOT come to rehearsals; come with your costume on CHRISTMAS EVE only.
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
10-11:30 AM

Christmas Children’s Choir

For the Christmas Pageant Mass, we form a children’s choir of kids in Grades 3 to 8.
Children’s Christmas Choir
Rehearsal Schedule
Tuesday, 12/18:      4-5 PM
Thursday, 12/20:  4-5 PM
Saturday, 12/22:     10-11:30 AM
Calendar Reminder
This week, December 11, 12 and 13, will be the last week of classes for KidsRelig.  Next week, we will be busy preparing for Christmas (see Christmas Pageant News above).

Deacon Charlie

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