Thursday, October 27, 2011


Jesus sees a couple of big shots in the crowd. He respects them for their offices and teachings, but it stops there. Their lives just don’t measure up to the positions they hold or the lessons they teach.

Jesus accuses them of pushing other people around and always pushing their way to the front of the line; he indicts them for puffing out their chests and always looking to be puffed up by t

Then, Jesus turns to his disciples and says: Don’t do what they do. You have one Teacher, one Father and one Master. This makes all of you brothers and sisters—none better than the other. The most important job each of you has is to help one another. Remember this; the bigger the head, the bigger the target for those you have hurt; the bigger the heart, the bigger the love from those you have helped.he flattery of others. And he convicts them of doing nothing to help people in need.

I asked the kids if there was one word to describe the big shots Jesus was complaining about in the gospel. In each session, the kids came up with the same

word—bully! I told the kids that this week’s gospel is a good example of how Jesus talks to us about real things in the real times and real places we live in. In the classrooms, we began the conversation about bullying and we hope to continue the conversation over the next few weeks.


Thanks for all of your cooperation with our new dismissal procedure for the elementaries. Things went well this week. If you need to have your child leave class early, just come to the office, and we will get your child from class for you.

Thanks also for notifying us about absences. Again, it is so important that we know whether your child will not be in class. That way we can be certain that if someone is absent she/he is not missing. It also saves us time if we don’t have to contact you at home or at the office looking for your child.


Deacon Charlie

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