Saturday, October 22, 2011


Stump the chumps!

That’s the game we played to get started this week. A few trick questions like,

“How many apples does it take to fill an empty box?”

One, because once you put one apple in the box it’s not empty anymore.”

More than once, the trick was discovered and this trickster was foiled. And that’s exactly what happens in this week’s gospel. The tricksters fail to trick Jesus with their trick question. Because they do not love him, they try to get him to give the answer they want, which they know will get Jesus in trouble. But Jesus gives his own answer, foils the tricksters’ plot and saves himself from trouble—at least for now.

The kids heard that the story of the gospel is not so much about the trick, as it is about the tricksters. They did not love Jesus.. And that’s where the trickery begins. They ask, not looking for Jesus’ answer, but for their own—to end their trickery by making an end of Jesus.

And the lesson for the kids? We must begin by loving Jesus. And if we really love him, then whenever we ask Jesus a question, it won’t be to get the answer we want, but the answer Jesus gives. And that’s how we can all save ourselves from trouble.

KidsRelig Calendar

It’s on the webpage at Click on the Religious Education tab at the left of the homepage. On the Religious Education page, click on the Calendar link on the right. Scroll through the months of our entire year. It’s all there, including that First Communion date of May 12.


Deacon Charlie

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