Saturday, October 22, 2011


Two commandments, says Jesus, and you can’t have one without the other because both have to go together--love God and love your neighbor

KidsRelig took a trip this week down the Via Pastrina to our own little bakery shop. There were all the ingredients for baking a cake, some dry and some liquid. Each was good stuff, but we discovered that if we decided to bake one first and then the other, all we would get is something like sawdust and curdled milk. We couldn’t have one without the other because both have to go together. And so we put it all together, and out popped a cake. It seems that’s just the way it is; good things have to go together.

I told the kids that our cake wasn’t big enough for everybody. So, in each session, we put the teachers’ names in a hat and drew out the class that won the cake. But before we did, I asked who wanted the cake. Everyone! Why? Because it tastes good. How do you know? We’ve had it before. And when was that first taste of cake? When we were given a piece by our moms or dads.

Love God and love your neighbor—good things that have to go together. And although called commands, they are really an attitude of gratitude. We all loved our KidsRelig cake because someone had first made a gift of cake to us and we learned to appreciate the taste.

We are all gifted with love. If we live in an attitude of gratitude, then we get a taste for love, and what we have received becomes what we give. And that’s a command performance.


Please talk to your kids about bus behavior and the demands of safety. Noise and pushing and shoving put everyone in jeopardy.


Deacon Charlie

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