Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Go away from me, Lord.

Peter’s reaction to the miraculous catch of fish in today’s gospel.  It echoes what happened last week in Nazareth when the people in town witnessed the cure of the demoniac.  Just as those in Nazareth had run Jesus out of town, Peter would have him take a hike.  But there is a big difference.  In Nazareth, it was a matter of pride and rejection.  In Peter’s boat, it was a matter of humility and faith.  After all, he only tells Jesus to get going because Peter recognizes that he is in the presence of the Lord.  And that makes this poor fisherman feel so unworthy.

Funny how miracles can cause such mixed reactions.  Or is it?

I guess if we have it all, we really don’t need any miracles in our lives.  So when a miracle comes our way, we have to reject it—even get angry at its intrusion.  But if we know who we really are, then that miracle just around the corner will be a sight for sore eyes.  And we’ll know it when we see it, because Jesus will have convinced us not to be afraid to look.
No fear to look at KidsRelig.  We’re catching miracles hook, line and sinker.

First Communion News

Mass Assignments for our First Communion on May 11, 2013:
9:30 AM: Thursday (Roaring Brook) 2nd Grades + Ms. Aurora/Ms. Metcalf’s Wednesday (Grafflin ) 2nd Grade
11:30 AM:  Tuesday (Westorchard) 2nd Grades + Ms. Galvin’s Wednesday (Grafflin) 2nd Grade.

Calendar Reminder
Although Chappaqua CSD has changed its Winter Recess, the originally scheduled Winter Recess for KidsRelig will remain the same.  There is NO KidsRelig on February 19, 20, 21.  


Movie & Pizza Night
Grades 1-4
Friday, February 22, 6-8 PM

Deacon Charlie

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