Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Jesus walks off today’s gospel page as a truth-teller in a long line of truth-tellers.  We call them prophets.  And they all had two things in common—truth and the rejection of truth.  In Jesus, these two common things come together in one person.  Jesus not only tells the truth, he is the truth.  Jesus not only gets rejected, he is the rejected one.  It’s more than curious that today’s gospel story ends with Jesus on the brow of a hill!

What does this mean for us in KidsRelig?  It challenges us to tell the Jesus story in ways that are appropriate for the ages of our kids.  As they mature, the story matures.  And as it does, the person of Jesus becomes central, not just in its “once upon time” detail, but in its present reality.  We embrace a rejected Truth, which demands intimate knowledge and courageous commitment. 

Some of this happens in the classroom, but none of this can happen without the opportunity of our kids to meet and engage with Jesus.  And this opportunity is called Sunday Mass.  That’s where we approach Jesus, and he approaches us. 

Last week, our Fifth Graders celebrated Sunday Mass in a very special way.  Their participation as readers, ushers, greeters, gift bearers and servers brought joy to the celebration, but more than joy—meaning.  As I watched them in the front pews of the church, I thought how blessed we were to have them come and simply be with Jesus. 

First Communion News

An email has gone out to all First Communion Parents announcing this year’s Mass assignments for the May 11th First Communion.  Each year, we try to keep classmates together and the two Masses as even as possible in the number of First Communicants.  This year, it was impossible due to the large Westorchard class.  So  . . .

9:30 AM: Roaring Brook (i.e., Thursday’s 2nd Grades) + Ms. Aurora/Ms. Metcalf’s Grafflin (i.e., one of the Wednesday 2nd Grades)

11:30 AM:  Westorchard (i.e., Tuesday’s 2nd Grades) + Ms. Galvin’s Grafflin (i.e., the other Wednesday 2nd Grade.)  

Deacon Charlie

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