Monday, December 19, 2011

The Christmas Pageant

The Christmas Pageant at St. John and St. Mary—it all began in 1987 with about a dozen kids and a few parents, a couple of guitars, carols by the choir, two little lambs and some shepherds’ crooks made in parish workshops. On Christmas Eve, we all watched and listened as our kids became the first to proclaim the Good News of Christmas. Over the years, there have been more kids and more beautiful music, but one thing has remained the same—at the first Mass of Christmas (Christmas Eve at 4 PM), we watch and listen as our kids become the first to proclaim the Good News of Christmas.

There could be no better reason for the Christmas Pageant. And yet, there is another reason, which is equally as good. On the days before Christmas, where can we find our kids? In church! What better place to prepare for Christmas!!!

Preparing for the Christmas Pageant

· FIRST AND SECOND GRADERS are our Pageant Kids. No sign up; just show up for rehearsals.
· Boys are Shepherds; costume is an Arab-like headpiece (white cloth and dark headband), SUPPLIED BY PARENTS
· Girls are Angels; costume is a garland halo, which the church will provide on Christmas Eve; each girl carries a battery operated candle, SUPPLIED BY PARENTS. Nothing more, except that each girl will wear her special Christmas dress.
· Mary and Joseph: we will draw the names of two SECOND GRADERS. Calls will be made to see if the kids are willing and able (sometimes, they can’t or just don’t want to). Will keep calling until we get Mary and Joseph. Costumes: the church has the costumes.
· Costumes do NOT come to rehearsals; come with your costume on CHRISTMAS EVE only.


· Wednesday, December 21, 3:45 to 4:45 PM in the Upper Church
· Thursday, December 22, 3:45 to 4:45 PM in the Upper Church

Christmas Eve

· Upper church OPENS at 3 PM. Church and Parish Office Closed until then.
· Pageant Kids should arrive no later than 3:15 PM.
· Pageant Girls: report to Community Room A.
· Pageant Boys: report to Skelly Hall.
· Pageant begins at approximately 3:45 PM (***After Pageant, parents come to sanctuary to bring kids back to their families for Mass)
· Mass begins at 4:00 PM

Friday, November 11, 2011


The gospel story is about a big boss and his 3 employees (or, for us at KidsRelig, 3 clowns). Before leaving on a trip, the boss gives the first clown $100’ the second $50, and the third $1. When the boss comes back, our Happy Clown #1 turns over his/her $100 bill and shows another $100. Happy Clown #2, turns over his/her $50 bill and shows another $50. But Clown #3, who was so afraid of the boss and did nothing with his $1 for fear of losing it, turns over his/her $1 bill and shows nothing. It’s blank.

Clown #3 has always been a sad sack and a poor soul. And now he really is, because the way Jesus tells the story the boss calls him wicked and throws him out into the dark.

The kids and I felt sorry for Clown #3. After all, he only got a $1, and he really didn’t do anything wrong. He didn’t lose the $1 or steal it. So, why get on his case and brand him as wicked?

The kids thought it was because he just didn’t try, and he didn’t try because he was so afraid. And he was so afraid because he didn’t trust the boss.

If God is the boss and we’re the clowns, then the story is all about trust in God. And here’s the best part—preached to us by one of our kids: if you don’t trust God, you’ll never trust yourself.

Rewriting Our Love Letter to God

The Church has been writing a love letter to God for thousands of years. And, like every important letter, it’s gone through a lot of drafts, trying to get it just right. In KidsRelig, we talked about the changes in the Mass, which are coming in Advent--our love letter to God going through another draft. We practiced “And with your spirit,” and distributed copies of the other prayers, which teachers will go over with the kids. All of the changes are posted on the bulletin board in Skelly Hall.

Deacon Charlie

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Jesus sees a couple of big shots in the crowd. He respects them for their offices and teachings, but it stops there. Their lives just don’t measure up to the positions they hold or the lessons they teach.

Jesus accuses them of pushing other people around and always pushing their way to the front of the line; he indicts them for puffing out their chests and always looking to be puffed up by t

Then, Jesus turns to his disciples and says: Don’t do what they do. You have one Teacher, one Father and one Master. This makes all of you brothers and sisters—none better than the other. The most important job each of you has is to help one another. Remember this; the bigger the head, the bigger the target for those you have hurt; the bigger the heart, the bigger the love from those you have helped.he flattery of others. And he convicts them of doing nothing to help people in need.

I asked the kids if there was one word to describe the big shots Jesus was complaining about in the gospel. In each session, the kids came up with the same

word—bully! I told the kids that this week’s gospel is a good example of how Jesus talks to us about real things in the real times and real places we live in. In the classrooms, we began the conversation about bullying and we hope to continue the conversation over the next few weeks.


Thanks for all of your cooperation with our new dismissal procedure for the elementaries. Things went well this week. If you need to have your child leave class early, just come to the office, and we will get your child from class for you.

Thanks also for notifying us about absences. Again, it is so important that we know whether your child will not be in class. That way we can be certain that if someone is absent she/he is not missing. It also saves us time if we don’t have to contact you at home or at the office looking for your child.


Deacon Charlie

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Two commandments, says Jesus, and you can’t have one without the other because both have to go together--love God and love your neighbor

KidsRelig took a trip this week down the Via Pastrina to our own little bakery shop. There were all the ingredients for baking a cake, some dry and some liquid. Each was good stuff, but we discovered that if we decided to bake one first and then the other, all we would get is something like sawdust and curdled milk. We couldn’t have one without the other because both have to go together. And so we put it all together, and out popped a cake. It seems that’s just the way it is; good things have to go together.

I told the kids that our cake wasn’t big enough for everybody. So, in each session, we put the teachers’ names in a hat and drew out the class that won the cake. But before we did, I asked who wanted the cake. Everyone! Why? Because it tastes good. How do you know? We’ve had it before. And when was that first taste of cake? When we were given a piece by our moms or dads.

Love God and love your neighbor—good things that have to go together. And although called commands, they are really an attitude of gratitude. We all loved our KidsRelig cake because someone had first made a gift of cake to us and we learned to appreciate the taste.

We are all gifted with love. If we live in an attitude of gratitude, then we get a taste for love, and what we have received becomes what we give. And that’s a command performance.


Please talk to your kids about bus behavior and the demands of safety. Noise and pushing and shoving put everyone in jeopardy.


Deacon Charlie


Stump the chumps!

That’s the game we played to get started this week. A few trick questions like,

“How many apples does it take to fill an empty box?”

One, because once you put one apple in the box it’s not empty anymore.”

More than once, the trick was discovered and this trickster was foiled. And that’s exactly what happens in this week’s gospel. The tricksters fail to trick Jesus with their trick question. Because they do not love him, they try to get him to give the answer they want, which they know will get Jesus in trouble. But Jesus gives his own answer, foils the tricksters’ plot and saves himself from trouble—at least for now.

The kids heard that the story of the gospel is not so much about the trick, as it is about the tricksters. They did not love Jesus.. And that’s where the trickery begins. They ask, not looking for Jesus’ answer, but for their own—to end their trickery by making an end of Jesus.

And the lesson for the kids? We must begin by loving Jesus. And if we really love him, then whenever we ask Jesus a question, it won’t be to get the answer we want, but the answer Jesus gives. And that’s how we can all save ourselves from trouble.

KidsRelig Calendar

It’s on the webpage at Click on the Religious Education tab at the left of the homepage. On the Religious Education page, click on the Calendar link on the right. Scroll through the months of our entire year. It’s all there, including that First Communion date of May 12.


Deacon Charlie

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


First Days! The sign above the church doors read:

“I have called you by name. I love you, and you are mine.”

Words spoken by God through the prophet Isaiah and put to music in the hymn You Are Mine, which we sang together once we got into church.

I told the kids that their names had very much been on my mind. As I stood there with a borrowed fedora hat on my head, I told them how I had read their names putting away last year’s books and file folders and archiving last year’s digital files. How their names popped up on my computer screen all summer as registration came streaming in. How their names became like little puzzle pieces as I assigned them to classes and put together that big puzzle, called KidsRelig.

Names on my mind! And to prove it, I pulled off that fedora hat and out came tumbling hundreds of pieces of paper with the kids’ names on them.

“Until now,” I asked, “did you know I had all your names on my mind?”

“Not really,” they answered.

“So what difference does it make if you didn’t know I was thinking about you, worrying about you, wondering about you?”

What difference does it make? That’s this year’s question in KidsRelig. God has called each of us by name—thinking about us, worrying about us, wondering about us. And yet, most of the time, we hardly know it. So, what difference does it make?

The question will be asked in each grade:

  • 1st—meeting God and learning to pray
  • 2nd—preparing for 1st Penance & Communion
  • 3rd—learning about our call to faith
  • 4th—studying the Commandments & Beatitudes
  • 5th—learning about the Sacraments
  • 6th—The Old Testament
  • 7th—The New Testament
  • 8th—The Church & Church History


Deacon Charlie

Thursday, September 29, 2011


KidsRelig--God's Construction Site

If you build it, they will come.  But the lesson of today’s gospel parable is:  Not really!!!  A tough lesson for God.  So tough, that he refused to learn it.  He refused to be thrown off the construction site and just kept on building—bigger and better.  Flesh and Blood is the cornerstone of his building and of every stone laid upon it.

KidsRelig is a lot of things—a school of religious education, a good place to hang out at the end of the regular school day, Catholic fun and games, a parish program supported by many parents and made possible by dedicated volunteers.  But most of all, it’s God’s construction site.  And this week, we’re putting our hard hats on, because we’re shovel-ready! 

Opening Days for KidsRelig

Tuesday, October 4:          Bell                      2:45
                                            Westorchard       3:45
Wednesday, Octorber 5:   Grafflin                3:45
Thursday, October 6:        Seven Bridges    2:45
                                            Roaring Brook    3:45


We would like to welcome in a special way all of the First Graders who will be joining us at KidsRelig.  So please come this Sunday to an Open House just for you (and your parents):

October 2nd
After the 10:30 Mass
Community Room A&B


Deacon Charlie

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Flip-flop—the ultimate sin in our current political climate.  And yet, for Jesus, no sin at all.  In fact, it’s just what he’s looking for in today’s gospel—a change of mind. 

As we prepare for the opening days of KidsRelig and I read through all the kids’ names over and over again, I think of the challenge of changing minds.  And I don’t just mean confronting the competing interests in the broader culture and convincing the kids that there are real choices to be made that may put them at odds with the crowd.  Sure, that’s our job, and a tough one at that.  But it’s more.  It’s creating a mindfulness in our kids that their minds are neither the only minds nor the only minds that count.  It’s the  mindfulness of God that never leaves us alone and always makes us pay attention.  Now, there’s a change of mind!

Opening Days for KidsRelig

Tuesday, October 4:          Bell                      2:45
                                            Westorchard       3:45
Wednesday, Octorber 5:   Grafflin                3:45
Thursday, October 6:        Seven Bridges    2:45
                                            Roaring Brook    3:45


We would like to welcome in a special way all of the First Graders who will be joining us at KidsRelig.  So please come next Sunday to an Open House just for you (and your parents):

October 2nd
After the 10:30 Mass
Community Room A&B

The KidsRelig Litany

·   Register for KidsRelig . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Register for the KidsRelig Bus . . . online at the Parish Web( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Pay by credit card . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   KidsRelig Calendar . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage ; Calendar Link on right of Religious Education Page
·      KidsRelig Blog . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage; Blog Link on right of Religious Education Page

Deacon Charlie

Sunday, September 18, 2011


And they said to Jesus, “No one has hired us,” He answered, “You too go into my vineyard.”  Couldn’t have ordered a better gospel for this Sunday!!!

KidsRelig is hiring.  Our most pressing need is for 3 classroom teachers:
  • 3rd Grade Tuesday at 3:45
  • 3rd Grade Wednesday at 3:45
  • 4th Grade Thursday at 3:45
I can’t stress enough that this is not a luxury, but an absolute necessity if we are going to keep our class sizes appropriately small.  So, please contact me as soon as possible if you can go into the “vineyard.”  And trust me; we’ll hire you.

More on the subject of hiring, but moving from need to luxury.  Ours would be a happier, deeper, richer and more efficient program if we had the following:
  • A list of substitute teachers
  • A list of teacher helpers for elementaries
  • Bulletin Board Decorators
All of these are part-time positions, i.e., as needed.  It is so important, however, to know that there is a deep bench we can go to.  By “teacher helpers,” I mean someone who could just be around during the 3 elementary sessions to take little ones to the bathroom or help with band aids or sit with a tummy ache until mom or dad comes to pick up early. 

Please consider our need for teachers and those part-time luxury items and contact me as soon as you can at:


And thanks!

The KidsRelig Litany

·   Register for KidsRelig . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Register for the KidsRelig Bus . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   Pay by credit card . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage
·   KidsRelig Calendar . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage ; Calendar Link on right of Religious Education Page
·   KidsRelig Opening Days . . . on the calendar:  October 4, 5, 6
·   KidsRelig Blog . . . online at the Parish Web ( and click on the Religious Education tab on left of homepage; Blog Link on right of Religious Education Page

Deacon Charlie

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Lead with your heart.  That’s how Jesus sums up his policy on the debt crisis in today’s gospel.  Sounds like fuzzy thinking and bad economics.  Or is it simply basic, Catholic social teaching—a preference for the poor?  Nothing fuzzy; nothing bad.  And certainly not easy, because leading with the heart demands sacrifice—self-sacrifice.


Emails have gone out from the Parent Committee and from us at KidsRelig.  Information about Bus Registration and the Registration Form are available on the Parish Website:

  • You can click >>>HERE and go directly to the Bus Information and Registration Form
  • Or go to the Parish website at and click on the Religious Education tab on the left 
  • On the Religious Education Page, click on the link with the Yellow School Bus for Bus Information and Registration Form

KidsRelig On-line Registration Reaches
Please, please, please . . . register now and use the new credit card payment option.

*Go to Parish Website (
*Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left
*Read letter on Religious Education Page
*Go to top of page and find  two links to:
  1.  On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page

It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s critically important to us in forming classes, getting teachers in the classrooms, planning the year and setting up our classrooms

Deacon Charlie

Thursday, August 25, 2011


When it comes to volatility, the Stock Market has nothing on Peter. Remember last week? He was “blessed.” This week, his stock takes a nose dive. He’s “Satan.” Why? Not because he’s such a bad guy, but because he doesn’t have his head on straight. He’s stuck in the human mind-set and can’t get into the mind of God. Can you blame him? Not exactly easy, especially when Jesus gives this sneak preview: You got to lose it all to win it all.

What kind of a God-thought is that? It’s not just a God-thought; it’s a God-act. Evil must not be avoided; it must be challenged. And when challenged, a cross will appear. Don’t be afraid. Go for it. In fact, throw everything you got onto it. And if you do, you will come down from that cross alive, having defeated evil and the death it promises. Quite an act to follow! And quite a win!


KidsRelig Calendar

Check it out on the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.

  • Go to
  • Click Religious Education tab on the left
  • Click KidsRelig Calendar link on the right

At the bottom of the Calendar, tab to the month you want. Start with October, since . . .



All scheduled class days and times, “no class” days, holiday and recess days are on the Calendar. And other important dates: First Penance, First Communion, Lenten Confessions and Stations of the Cross.

KidsRelig On-line Registration At


Please, please, please . . . register now and use the new credit card payment option.

*Go to Parish Website ( *Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left

*Read letter on Religious Education Page

*Go to top of page and find two links to:

  1. On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page

It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s critically important to us in forming classes, getting teachers in the classrooms, planning the year and setting up our classrooms.


Every year, a Volunteer Parent Committee arranges for bus service to (but not from) KidsRelig for Seven Bridges and the 3 Chappaqua elementary schools. This service is not provided by the parish. We are always grateful for all the hard work of the Committee in making these arrangements.

Watch your email inboxes within the next week for information about the bus service. And please register as soon as possible.


Deacon Charlie

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Peter gets a nickname—“Rock!” Why? Not because he is strong and unshakeable. Remember two weeks ago when he took a trip on the water, and I mean a trip. Not because he is steady and firm. Wait until next week when “blessed” turns to “Satan.” And certainly not because he is reliable. Who can forget the big denial!

Peter gets his nickname because by his faith he allows God’s revelation of his Son to be written in stone. The Letter to the Hebrews tells us that faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. With all his warts, Peter proves that we as Church can make what we hope for as real, and what is unseen as evident, as a rock. Jesus the Christ!


KidsRelig Calendar

It’s here! Where? On the Religious Education Page of the Parish Website.

  • Go to
  • Click Religious Education tab on the left
  • Click KidsRelig Calendar link on the right

At the bottom of the Calendar, tab to the month you want. Go right to October, since . . .



All scheduled class days and times, “no class” days, holiday and recess days, the dates of First Penance and First Communion, Lenten Confessions and Stations of the Cross are on the calendar right now. As the year goes on, other events will be added, which will remain available for easy and quick access on the Parish Website.

KidsRelig On-line Registration

40% Registered

Please register now and use the new credit card payment option.

*Go to Parish Website ( *Click Religious Education--CCD tab on left

*Read letter on Religious Education Page

*Go to top of page and find two links to:

  1. On-line Registration Form
  2. Fees & Payment Options Page

It’s quick; it’s easy, and it’s a big help to us in forming classes, getting teachers in the classrooms, planning the year and setting up our classrooms.


Every year, a Volunteer Parent Committee arranges for bus service to (and not from) KidsRelig for Seven Bridges and the 3 Chappaqua elementary schools. This service is not provided by the parish. We are always grateful for all the hard work of the Committee in making these arrangements.

Watch your email inboxes within the next week for information about the bus service. And please register as soon as possible.


Deacon Charlie