Thursday, October 31, 2013


This Sunday's Gospel

Jesus tells a parable--a short story with a single lesson.

Two guys go up to pray--a big shot and a little shot.  
The big shot marches right up front and begins to pray to himself.  He thanks God that he is not like the rest of the riffraff in town, especially the guy in the back row.

Meantime, the little shot stays in the back with head down and admits to God that he hasn't always been the best.  
But he is grateful that God still loves him and forgives him his sins.

I asked the kids to read the gospel quietly (quiet was a new experience for us!).  Then, I asked them to tell me the one word in the gospel story that summed it all up.  Lots of guesses:  "God," "pray," "grateful," "loves," "forgives" and "sins."  All good, but not that one word.  The one word is "himself;" the big shot prays to himself. Self just can't get out of the way; so, there is no connection to God, and, therefore, no prayer.  

If we want to connect to God, we must connect to others and let self get out
of the way.  If that's how we live, that's how we will pray.


It's that time of year when I look around and see teachers in classrooms, kids in their seats, registration done, buses arrived and a good beginning made.  Thank God and thank you.

I am especially grateful this year.  We are so blessed to have so many
veteran teachers return and give more of their time and talent.  The more
they give, the more they show how gifted they are.  And when the word went
out that we would need new teachers this year, the response was
overwhelming.  We quickly filled our classrooms with new faces and new
gifts. The generosity has been extraordinary and the parish is very

A special note about our substitute teachers and Jen Waterhouse, who has
been coordinating this effort.  Over 30 people have volunteered as
substitutes. No one can imagine more than I how great this is. It not only
helps KidsRelig run more smoothly, but it spreads among more people the
happy task of spreading the Good News.  Thanks to all of you, and a special
thanks to Jen Waterhouse.

Last but not least, I thank Ellie DURR and Jen Narcissi for their help in
the office right before and during KidsRelig.  Just having them there adds
so much to what we do every week.

Deacon Charlie

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