Monday, October 14, 2013


Sunday’s Gospel
For the Elementaries, we listened to the Good News as a story about gratitude.  Of the 10, who were healed by Jesus, only one returned to say “thanks.” Good for him, but not so good for the other 9.   So, we decided not to be like those other 9.  We made our own “Thank You” Card for God.
The First Graders gave us all the things we should be grateful for:  life, health, food, water, the earth, our families and more.  And the Second through Fourth Graders gave us how to sign the card: Us, CCD kids, the kids from St. John and St. Mary, Children of God and more.  
When we were all done, we decided that God would be real happy to get this card, because of what it said.  But even more, because we wrote it, and God loves to get cards from the kids he loves.
For the Middlers, we looked at the same gospel story, but with a different focus.  Jesus healed 10
and only 1 said “thanks,” and he was a Samaritan, the worst of the worst.  When Jesus chose to make better one who was the worst, the worst was empowered to choose the best within himself.
We not only have the power to find the best within ourselves, but the power to let others find their own best, even those whom we consider the worst.  Not easy, but who said following Jesus is easy!
Building Evacuation Drill
For all, except Westorchard (next week), we had instructions in building evacuation.  Everyone took it very seriously.  Thanks.
A good week at KidsRelig!
Deacon Charlie

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