Sunday, October 20, 2013


Sunday's Gospel


Divided the church into 2 cheering sections.  The first had one word to shout, "decide."  The second was to shout, "pest."  (You will never guess, but everyone was great at shouting!). Then, we started to tell the story of this week's gospel about the old lady who had tried her case to the court and wanted the judge to "decide."  But the judge didn't and thought the old lady was just a "pest."  The old lady kept calling the judge to "decide," and the judge kept complaining that the old lady was a "pest."  Finally, not
because he cared about the old lady or his decision, but only to shut up
this "pest," the judge decided to "decide."

And that's the gospel story. Pretty silly!  It ends without really ending,
because we don't even find out what the judge decided or whether the old
lady was satisfied.

What's even sillier is that Jesus says the story is all about prayer. Well,
we hate to disagree with Jesus.  But--NOT!

Is prayer being a pest to God?  NOT!  Is prayer trying to get God to decide
one way or another?  NOT!  Is prayer trying to convince God to make sure
we're satisfied.  NOT!

As we prayed for some of our teachers who are sick and one of our students
who just underwent heart surgery, we realized that prayer is nothing more
than all of us learning to become more like God.  Because when we pray, we
care.  We care about ourselves, but, more often, about others.  And when we
care, unlike the judge in the gospel story, we become like God .  And when
more and more of us become like God, we spread God's Kingdom. Now, there's a
pretty good result for our prayer!
Watch your inboxes this week for an email announcement of our new Children & Youth Choir.


Deacon Charlie

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