Saturday, October 5, 2013


We’re back!!!

The first week of KidsRelig was super!  After reading the kids’ names for weeks and weeks of registration, it was so good to see their faces. 

The Gospel

Two stories are embedded in today’s gospel—the usual and the unusual, the expected and the unexpected.  The master’s servant does what he’s expected to do.  Really no big deal!  But when the table is turned and the Master becomes the servant.  Now there’s a big deal!  And pretty unusual and unexpected. 

The Middlers got it.  Do what you’re expected to do?  No big deal!  But do like the Master—the unusual and unexpected.  A big deal! 

Welcome First Graders

When the Elementaries arrived, 2nd through 4th went into church first.  Then, came the First Graders to a round of applause.

We told the First Graders that it’s very hard to remember new names.  But if you bother to find out something about somebody, it’s usually easier to remember their name.  So, we did.  Jack told us he liked dinosaurs, and I told Claire and Charlie it would be easy to remember their names, since in our house, it’s Clare and Charlie.

Then we told them how Christians had helped themselves remember Jesus’ name by remembering the Jesus story behind the name.   They used the Sign of the Fish (or ICHTHUS in Greek). 

The Greek letters are the first in each of these words:  Jesus, Christ, God, Son & Savior. 

We told the First Graders and all the Elementaries that our prayer for them this year was that they would come to remember the name Jesus as they came to learn more and more about him.

A Special Sunday Welcome
to the First Graders

At 10 o’clock Mass this Sunday, we welcome the First Graders and their families in a special way.  A reception will follow in Skelly Hall.

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